Mental Disorders

Disorders of thinking in psychology are divided into three types: disorder by tempo, by structure and content.

Thinking disorders by tempo

Acceleration of thinking . With this disorder, it is natural for a person to speak quickly and much, a jump in ideas is possible. Thoughts overtake each other, many of them are lost, even without being uttered. At the same time, such thinking contributes to a creative upsurge. More often observed in people with manic conditions.

Slowing down of thinking . A person does not have time to learn and process information, analyze. The simplest question can cause a long thought process. This disorder can be caused by depression.

Thinking disorders by structure

  1. Broken thinking. In a person's speech, there are no logical chains, a connection between different words and sentences. Often a person does not even need an interlocutor.
  2. Paralogical. Disorder of thinking, in which the intellect may not suffer at all, but the logic of reasoning is violated. All facts and events are perceived as through a crooked mirror and do not help a person draw other conclusions that are contrary to their idea. Rather, on the contrary, the patient adjusts everything to his basic idea.
  3. All-round. Thinking, in which a person does not distinguish between essential and minor, tends to focus on small things, it is difficult to switch from one subject to another.
  4. Mentism. People constantly visit thoughts, more often than violent ones. Basically, they are not played out loud.
  5. Sperrung. Man's thoughts appear and immediately break off. There is a feeling of emptiness in the head. The patient can start the phrase and never finish it, as if freezing.

Content disorders

Obsessions . This type of disorder includes phobias (fear of illness, infection, enclosed spaces), and motor disorders (the need to perform some obligatory rituals), and obsessive drives. A person can be aware of all the absurdity obsessions, but they do not disappear. It's just the same obsessive thoughts that at home the iron, stove or gas could be turned on.

Supervaluable ideas . Man is inclined to cultivate one idea, dismissing all other motives. Such judgments are unjustifiably of great importance for a person and are not criticized on his part. Suppose a collection mania, to the detriment of the family budget. Inventive ideas: the creation of a perpetual motion machine, living water or a philosopher's stone. Ideas for the perfection of the world. The most common are the ideas of love, self-worth and health. Delusional ideas. False delusions that are not criticized. The patient can not be persuaded. These include, for example, megalomania, ideas of self-abasement, sensual delirium and persecution mania.