Zvezdochka during pregnancy

The Vietnamese ointment "Golden Star" is familiar to many from the very childhood. Our parents used it quite often, especially when it came to colds or ARVI. And this is not spontaneous, because its composition includes components of plant origin, which, unlike medicinal preparations, are not so harmful to the body of not only an adult, but also a child. The essential oils from which Zvezdochka is made: eucalyptus, cinnamon, mint and clove, perfectly combat the stuffy nose, cough, headache, etc. Perhaps, that is why this drug does not leave the shelves of pharmacies for many years. However, there is one period - the time of bearing the baby, when any, even the most proven means can cause anxiety for the health of the crumbs.

Can I use the "Star" during pregnancy?

In the instructions to the drug, both to the ointment and to other forms of release, it is written that no studies have been conducted on the use of Zvezdochka in pregnancy, and accordingly, the manufacturer can not guarantee that the effect of the remedy on the future mother's organism and its fetus will be safe. In addition, even a qualified doctor unequivocal answer to the question whether it is possible to "Zvezdochka" during pregnancy will not give. And all because its essential oils act on people in completely different ways: in some, it can cause allergies or migraines, while others will experience only a positive effect on its use. Especially do not forget that during pregnancy, some processes in the body in a woman begin to flow in a different way, and even time-tested drugs can cause an allergic reaction, sneezing, unexpected nausea, etc.

Tips for use

Many doctors claim that in order to understand whether it is possible for you to use the "Starlet" during pregnancy, it is worth sticking to some recommendations:

  1. Do an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount to the wrist or an elbow at the back and follow the reaction for four hours. If you do not find redness, itching, rashes, then you can safely use it.
  2. The smell of the ointment should not cause negative reactions. Do not torture yourself or your baby with a sufficiently specific smell of this drug if you are unpleasant.

In addition, there are two aspects in which the answer to the question whether it is possible to apply Balm or ointment "Zvezdochka" to pregnant women will always be negative:

In the latter case, you need to be especially vigilant, because very often it is used to treat the common cold. Therefore, the answer to the question, whether it is possible for pregnant women to smear the nose with an asterisk, will only be positive when it is not ripped to microcracks, and the drug is applied neatly and thinly.

How to use ointment "Asterisk" during pregnancy?

Just want to draw the attention of future mothers to the fact that this drug, when it is used for areas of the head and face, it is prohibited to rub. Therefore, before use, "Asterisk" is rubbed between the fingers and applied three times a day according to the following schemes:

As for the cough treatment, if the future mother has no allergy to this drug, doctors admit its use with rubbing into the skin in the area of ​​the location of the bronchi. However, it is worth remembering that after this procedure there should be a bed rest and warm clothes that will help to save heat.

So, when asked whether it is possible to smear pregnant women with "Asterisk", doctors can not give an unambiguous answer. But if you do not have negative reactions to the components of this remedy, and the cold just tortured, then try to use caution with Vietnamese ointment, because good health, especially during pregnancy, is very important.