Pillows for pregnant women - which one to choose?

As the tummy grows, the future mother becomes more and more uncomfortable sleeping or just resting in any position. To correct a situation the special pillow for pregnant women will help. There are such products not so long ago, and a woman can become confused when choosing an accessory for relaxation, little that is known about him.

How to choose a pillow for pregnant women?

The size of the bed will be very important for choosing a pillow. If a woman sleeps on a spacious bed, then the pillow of the largest dimensions will not be a hindrance. But when the future mother huddles in an old sofa with her husband, you should choose a smaller one.

On the question of which pillow for pregnant women is more convenient and better, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer. Each is good in itself, after all, by action they are very similar. But if you also choose a pillow for a day's rest in addition to a night's sleep, you should take a closer look at the largest pillows.

Types of pillows for pregnant women

A cushion in the shape of a horseshoe - it is also called a bagel. Its size is 340x35 cm with the convenience of settling on it, a woman can grow up to 160 cm.

Similar to the previous one, but not so twisted around the edges, and a more compact pillow, reminiscent of the letter C. It's convenient to rest on this, taking it on the road and placing it between the knees, and also in the day, laying under the waist.

U-shaped pillow is the largest and, perhaps, the most comfortable. On it you can rest at night, prop your back, laying under your stomach, and comfortably having your head. At night, when a woman turns over from side to side, there is no need to drag a pillow after herself, because it is the way the cocoon frames the body and is located on both sides.

Not so long ago a pillow appeared in the form of English G. It resembles a bagel, but not completely curved. Such a pillow is convenient to put a straight side under the head and clasp her legs. Its dimensions are 350x35 cm.

The most modest option, which takes the least space, will be a L-shaped pillow. It is for undemanding pregnant women, who need only a support under their knees during sleep.

If you still do not know which pillow to choose for pregnant women, then think about whether you need it on travel, and then you need a small pillow, or you spend a lot of time lying down, and you need maximum support. After the birth of a child, large pillows can continue to be used. They will help with feeding comfortably to place the baby in front of the chest, and back to support the back.

If you are thinking about how to make this pillow yourself, we offer you our master class.