Magnesium for pregnant women

Magnesium refers to those microelements that are vital for every person. After all, the functioning of such organs and systems as nervous, cardiovascular, muscular, etc. depends on it. Consider this microelement in detail, and find out what daily magnesium standard is established during pregnancy, what signs indicate its lack.

What is magnesium used for?

This microelement plays a very important role in the formation of the nervous system in the baby. That is why the future mother needs to monitor the amount of magnesium consumed during gestation.

Lack of a microelement in the course of pregnancy can negatively affect not the work of the nervous system of the baby after birth: problems with sleep, increased excitability, hyperreactivity.

What magnesium norms are established during pregnancy?

The normal content of the microelement in women who are not expecting the baby is 0.66-0.99 mmol / l. During pregnancy, the concentration of magnesium in the blood should be within 0.8-1 mmol / l.

What signs indicate a lack of magnesium in the body during pregnancy?

If the concentration of the microelement is lower than 0.8 mmol / l, a woman may experience such phenomena as:

These symptoms can indirectly indicate the inadequate intake of magnesium in the body. In this case it is necessary to undergo a survey. It should be noted that the insufficiency of this trace element affects the work of the digestive system, the nervous system, blood vessels, the heart.

How to fill the level of magnesium in the body?

As can be seen from the above, magnesium for pregnant women is very important, so the drugs containing it are prescribed throughout the pregnancy. Among them are: Magne B6, Magnefar B6, Magvit, Magnevit B6 and others.

Replenish the shortage can and should be with the help of products. These include: nuts, beans, fish, oat and buckwheat groats, banana, whole grain bread, parsley, dill.

In order to prevent overabundance of magnesium during pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the amount of microelement entering the body per day. According to the established norms, - per day up to 400-500 mg. In this case, a woman must go through a medical consultation.