Discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester

Attentive women in the waiting period of the baby notice any changes that occur in their body. In particular, after the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, many expectant mothers face the appearance of vaginal discharge, which can cause them great anxiety and anxiety.

In fact, usually this phenomenon in the period between 14 and 27 weeks is a variant of the norm. To understand whether it is really not dangerous for the health of a woman in an "interesting" position and the future child, it is necessary to know what are the normal discharges during pregnancy in the second trimester, and if there are any signs, you should immediately contact a women's consultation.

What discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester are considered normal?

In the normal course of pregnancy, women in the second trimester have mucous discharges that are almost colorless and odorless, and do not cause pain, burning, itching and other uncomfortable sensations. The appearance of a secret of this nature is explained by the change in the hormonal balance and, in particular, by a significant increase in the concentration of estrogens in the blood of the expectant mother.

Such discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, even if they are abundant, should not cause great anxiety. Meanwhile, in rare cases such an unpleasant symptom can indicate such a violation as the leakage of amniotic fluid, so if there are suspicions, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate test and, if necessary, undergo a detailed examination.

If the discharge from the vagina in the middle of the waiting period of the baby acquires a different character, this must be reported immediately to the gynecologist, since such a situation may result from serious health problems that threaten the normal course of pregnancy.

Pathological discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester

The appearance of pathological discharge at the indicated period of pregnancy is usually explained by the following reasons:

  1. White discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, which resemble cheesy mass and have an unpleasant sour smell, in almost all cases indicate an exacerbation of vaginal candidiasis, or thrush. In the period of expectation of the baby, this common disease can be dangerous, so it must be treated under the supervision of a gynecologist.
  2. Watery discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, which distinguishes the characteristic smell of "rotten fish," indicate the presence of bacterial vaginosis. If this disease is accompanied by the presence of pain and discomfort in the lower half of the abdomen, the risk of termination of pregnancy is high enough, so this disease should be treated with all seriousness.
  3. Yellow or green discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester in most cases are an unfavorable sign and indicate the presence of serious diseases. So, they can appear due to the development of any venereal disease, as well as an active inflammatory process in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
  4. Brown discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester usually indicates a violation of the placenta, which at this time may begin to separate. In addition, sometimes such an unpleasant symptom may be a consequence of erosion of the cervix or the presence of inflammation of the reproductive system.
  5. Red or pink discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester always cause serious concern for women waiting for the birth of a new life. This is not surprising, because they contain blood, and this is an unfavorable sign, often threatening the life and health of the fetus and the future mother. Meanwhile, in a number of cases, such allocation can appear after intimate relations of spouses or gynecological examination and have a short-term character that does not carry any danger.