Diet for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, blood lingers in the hemorrhoids, the veins become inflamed and swollen, the intestinal mucosa becomes irritated, and the metabolism (as a result of problems with defecation) is naturally disrupted.

The principle of a diet with hemorrhoids is very simple - to relieve the patient of the above-described causes of the disease, make the chair regular and painless. But the simpler the task sounds, the more difficult it is to perform it. Let's talk about the principles of dieting in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Principles of diet

1. We exclude products that promote constipation (if the cause of hemorrhoids is long constipation). Means, the diet at an acute hemorrhoids should be deprived the following products and dishes:

2. Mechanical irritation of the intestine activates its work. Our diet will include the following mechanical catalysts for the defecation process:

3. If the hemorrhoid did not arise from constipation, but rather, due to inflammation of the intestine, as a result of prolonged diarrhea, these products, respectively, can not be consumed. In this case, normalize the stool in a diet with exacerbation of hemorrhoids will help fat-containing foods:

These products make the chair "slippery" and, accordingly, mobile. This factor should be taken into account when the intestine has an inflection or a tumor.

We soften the stool - prolonged constipation leads to a very dry stool, which has to be pushed along the intestine. In order to soften it, you must make the water linger in the intestine. This will help salty foods (herring, corned beef, lard), which due to the sodium content, retard the liquid.

Sweets for help - sweet too, simplifies defecation. Sweets create fermentation in the stomach, which activates intestinal motility.

And, of course, you can not forget about lactic acid foods in the list, what diet is needed for hemorrhoids. Kefir (up to 2 days), sour milk, kumys, ayran, whey - all this not only speeds up the motor skills, but also colonizes the intestines with useful microbes.

The diet menu

So, if you need a diet for hemorrhoids - if you are just scared to think about defecation (regardless of whether you have constipation or diarrhea), we still recommend that you take the necessary measures, including, revise your diet.

For breakfast, to all who suffer from hemorrhoids, we offer a miracle porridge, which will relieve all gastric problems.

Kasha "anti-hemorrhoidal"



All this is mixed and poured with water overnight. In the morning you can pour boiling water and pour yogurt. So that you do not suffer from the process of flatulence after such a dish, you should not combine it with vegetables or fruits.

If you have frequent constipation, include in your menu:

If the cause of hemorrhoids in diarrhea, use the following products:

In addition, do not forget that to soften the stool with constipation, and to restore the water-salt balance with diarrhea, you must drink a lot. In this case, even more habitual - two or more liters. In addition, another reason for hemorrhoids is hypodynamia. The intestine simply decreases motor skills when it is too seldom in an upright position.