Autumn Diet

Dear City, in the sky above thee,

Sharpen the tops of old pines,

Someone writes with a firm hand:

"Sadness. The rain. Autumn"

Autumn diet is designed for one week, but if you are satisfied with the result of the diet before the expiration of this time, then you can stop it as soon as you want. On average, people need to adhere to the autumn diet for 5-7 days.

The diet implies the consumption of only seasonal vegetables and fruits. You can also use sour-milk products, but only minimal fat content.

During the autumn diet is strictly forbidden to eat meat, eggs, fish. Products that contain animal fats, sugar and preservatives (these can be sausages, juices and various canned foods). Salts and smoked products, as well as stimulant products (for example, tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages) are also prohibited.

The products that are allowed during the autumn diet are, first of all, fresh vegetables and fruits. Sugar can be replaced with natural honey, and fats must be exclusively plant. Also, the diet menu can be varied with cereals and dried fruits. The use of rice, buckwheat or oatmeal will allow your body to replenish the supply of vegetable protein. From vegetables, you can make salads, vinaigrettes and cook all sorts of soups. It is recommended to drink kefir 1% fat and non-carbonated mineral water.

You can create the menu of the autumn diet yourself, the main thing is that the amount of calories consumed is 1000-1200 per day. There is need 5-6 times a day, on average, the daily rate of 1-1.5 kg of vegetables and fruits. Or just eat until you feel full, but in no case overeat.

It is very important that with the autumn diet you will not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse the body of toxins and enhance the protective properties of the body, strengthening its immunity before the upcoming cold winter.

We wish you success and autumn mood!