
Macrobiotics is an ancient oriental philosophy, which is the basis of a certain way of life. It includes a food system, a set of special physical exercises, as well as spiritual development. This philosophy is a holistic approach to man, which determined the approach to human diseases, as a violation of internal processes that occur in the body.

If you think about it, people are part of the universe and are in an invisible but perceptible dependence on it. And if we live in disharmony with our own organism (through malnutrition), then we will live in disharmony with the whole universe. The macrobiotics of Zen is a system of harmonious nutrition, which is built on the principle of yin-yang, with the observance of acid-base balance. This type of nutrition will not only preserve for a long time the health of the body, but also improve the quality of life, and live in accordance with the laws of the universe and in harmony with it.

Macrobiotics is individual for each person. Very flexible, taking into account individual tastes, inclinations and age, it defines a special food for each person separately.

Macrobiotic Diet

Macrobiotics means a smooth transition from the habitual diet to the special one.

The basis of the macrobiotic diet is whole grains. The main dishes of the diet are cereals, as well as bread and pasta from wholemeal flour. Of cereals - rice, preferably a short brown. Rice is cooked on water.

All products are prepared for one day. Men are recommended a menu, a variety of seasonings and spices. Women need to eat more fresh and light forms of cooking rice, they also have more different salads. For the elderly, it is recommended to salt less food, and not to consume fats of animal origin.

The combination of diet menu products as a percentage of the amount eaten per day:

Whole grains, cooked in any variants - 50-60%

Seasonal vegetables in any kind - 20%

Fresh and cooked fruits, dried fruits, canned vegetables and fruits, as well as seeds and nuts - 10%

Vegetable soups - 8%

Beans and seaweed - 7%

Meat food of animal origin and fish - 5%.

Macrobiotic diet for one day:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, boiled on water with crushed fruits.

Lunch: Boiled fish, rice with vegetables. A little fruit.

Dinner: Tofu with salad of fresh vegetables and sprouted wheat.

During the macrobiotic diet, the following rules must be observed:

Macrobiotic diet suggests switching to the use of exclusively natural and healthy products, but for many people this can lead to a change in lifestyle. Therefore, before using this diet, it is worth considering whether you are ready for such a serious step? If not, try to choose another diet for yourself, if yes, then there is nothing to wait for, do not delay this matter, and boldly proceed! In any case, if you have tried many different diets and were dissatisfied with the result, then you can try a macrobiotic diet simply for a change.