Wireless phone

Telephones with wire today can be found in the apartments of our parents and grandmothers. The modern rhythm of life simply does not allow you to be chained to the wires, and telephone conversations of the hostess are always combined with household chores. Wireless fixed phones have become much more affordable and in the electronics supermarkets there are a lot of them.

What is a cordless phone for home?

It is also called a radiotelephone . There are two models, or rather two standards: analog and digital. The analog cordless phone works by a principle very similar to the radio: in the so-called base and the tube itself there is a receiver with a transmitter working in parallel, and during a conversation the microphone of the tube catches the signal and then transfers it to the base. Perhaps you once faced such a situation: you set up the radio and get on the conversation or just pick up the phone and hear it. That's why today the world switched to home digital cordless phones.

The wireless digital phone for the house works in the so-called DECT format and completely copies the work of the cell phone: the voices are processed digitally. As a result, the device, as it were, is looking for a free line and the conversation is immediately encoded, which excludes the possibility of being overheard. Modern wireless fixed phones allow you to connect several devices at once and even redirect the call, and in some models there is a messaging function.

Choose a wireless city phone

So, you decided to purchase a wireless phone and the task is to choose the most convenient among the range in the store. What is worth paying attention to, is listed in the list below:

  1. The first thing we do is determine the model. On the rank of technology, a Panasonic cordless phone is the most common option. There is just a base with a tube, and paired phones: the main base with a tube and additional, there is also one base with two handsets.
  2. Next, ask the consultant what the range of the selected model. For an apartment this is not so important, but in a big house,
  3. take into account this factor.
  4. Some, at first glance, trivia sometimes make it very easy to use. These can include an answering machine, a number identifier. As a rule, most models have such functions.
  5. Many use the address book and the question of the ability to record telephone numbers of their loved ones is also important. As an office version, these phones also try to use the maximum and fill the book to the eyeballs. There are simpler models - with dozens of rooms, the more expensive ones can remember a couple hundred.