Weight loss Bormental

Weight loss on the Bormental diet is really effective and gives results in all cases. However, it is worth rejoicing ahead of time, maybe such a high figure should be alarming on the contrary? In any case, we will dispel your doubts, fears and, probably, even hopes, regarding weight loss by Bormental's method.

You can eat everything

Adherents of weight loss Bormental boast that their diet does not contain any restrictions. Indeed, you are allowed absolutely everything, even chocolates and rolls all day.

Underwater rocks

There is one limitation, your daily calorific value will be 1000-1200kcal. Whatever you eat, you must constantly count, write and calculate. The danger lies in the fact that the minimum for maintaining the speed of metabolic processes is 1200kcal, and if we talk about the numbers of basal metabolism and metabolic rate - then here each person has his own indicator, which does not take into account the program of losing weight of the Bormental.


In the opinion of the "Bormental" people, sport is not necessary for a woman at all, as physical activity does not promote weight loss, but only increases appetite. Instead of playing sports, the method of losing weight Bormental assumes periodic trips to the masseur, to give elasticity to the skin and the formation of the contours of the body.

Unloading days

Regardless of whether you have sinned on a diet or not, in a week you will need 1-2 times to arrange unloading days. The diet itself is calculated until a person grows thin to their normal weight, then you should go to the number of calories in which you do not lose weight, but do not gain weight.

Danger of counting

The main disadvantage of constant calculations is that our brain perceives such procedures as prohibitions, and in the end, anorexia , bulimia and overeating can easily arise. You will have an obsession, your brain will always count, even when you do not need it.

Lack of balance

In the center of weight loss, Dr. Bormental is guaranteed to lose weight all, and at such a low calorie diet will actually come. However, you will lose weight from muscle mass, and a low amount of consumed calories will lead to anemia, vitamin deficiency, etc.

The diet of Dr. Bormental does not contribute to improving metabolic processes, which means that he does not treat you from excess weight problems, but simply depletes. Due to this depletion, there is a minus in weight.