Can I get pregnant right after the menstrual period?

All women of childbearing age are concerned about the problem of contraception, because everyone wants to be confident in the future. There is nothing worse than an unplanned pregnancy that leads to abortion, abandonment of the baby and even if the mother decides to leave the baby, he grows, feeling unwanted and superfluous.

Women are very worried about whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after menstruation, because everyone knows that if before ovulation, it is still far, then this is a safe period. We will try to understand this difficult issue, which affects the lives of many people.

It often happens that all kinds of modern methods of contraception do not suit a woman, and she is looking for a way out of this situation. One of these ways of regulating the reproductive function is the calendar method, which is based on the calculation of dangerous and safe days for conception.

What is the calendar method?

With this method, theoretically, most days of the menstrual cycle are safe, especially the first three days after the end of the menstrual period and almost ten days after ovulation.

The critical period covers only five days - the day of ovulation (the peak when you can get pregnant) and two days before and after it. The farther from the release of the egg, the time of sexual intercourse, the lower the probability of unwanted pregnancy.

That is, based on information about the calendar method, the answer to the question - whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after the end of menstruation, there will be a "no" answer. But here lies a dirty trick and is even very weighty.

Are there many representatives of the fair sex, in which the menstrual cycle is identical to the clock - everything is clear and accurate until the minute? Unfortunately, no, and this can lead to an unwanted pregnancy, in the case of using the calendar method. Too short a cycle - less than 21 days, or very long - more than 32 - is a contraindication for the calculation of safe days.

Why can I get pregnant right after the menstrual period?

Some women can become pregnant not only on ovulatory days, but almost any other day of the cycle - during menstruation, after it and on the eve of menstruation. This happens for many reasons and for each they are different:

  1. If the cycle is irregular, it is too short, then there are no monthly periods, it is not worth counting on "catching" ovulation and calculating the necessary days. Many women suffer from hormonal disorders and are forced to use barrier methods of contraception.
  2. In rare cases, there is a so-called spontaneous ovulation, when besides the usual, occurring in the middle of the cycle, there is one more at any time. The nature of this phenomenon has not been studied, but some women have it, most often, by inheritance.
  3. If the menstrual cycle is short - less than 21 days, soon after the end of the month, ovulation is possible, which will lead to pregnancy. Consequently, such women also do not have to count on "favorable days".
  4. Another situation is diametrically opposed - the cycle is very long and it is difficult to identify the days of ovulation. Even using a basal temperature measurement every morning, and keeping records of this for several months, it's difficult to predict the right time in the next cycle.
  5. If the monthly lasts more than 7 days, and such a picture is not a deviation for this woman, but purely its individual feature, immediately after the termination of menstruation, ovulation occurs, and accordingly, the answer to the question - whether it is possible to become pregnant after menstruation, is obvious.
  6. After the birth of the baby, the mother's body is restored throughout the year. Even if a woman has menstruation, it is not safe to use the calculation of days, since the days of ovulation are still unstable and can change.

Thus, summing up a kind of result, we can conclude that the calendar method, when calculated "dangerous" and "safe" days is suitable for a very small percentage of women. But even to those whom he has helped ideally for several years, one day this method can fail.