Allergic bronchitis in children

Bronchitis, which is allergic, is more common in children, and belongs to one of the varieties of chronic bronchitis.

Allergic bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa caused by the ingestion of either an allergen or other, viral or bacterial infections.

What are the causes of allergic bronchitis?

At children at an early age the immune system is poorly developed, because of what the organism is subject to diseases. It is frequent illnesses that lead to a malfunction in the immune system. After that, it reacts to any, even the simplest substances (pollen, wool, food), causing allergic, or obstructive bronchitis in young children.

How can one recognize allergic bronchitis?

The main, of the many symptoms of allergic bronchitis in children, is a moist and violent cough. Constant lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, and excessive sweating are additional symptoms.

Frequent, persistent and exhausting cough in most cases is observed at night. As a result of congestion of sputum, and stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, children become obstructed.

How is allergic bronchitis treated?

The most important in the treatment of allergic bronchitis in children is timely and correct diagnosis, since this disease is fairly easy to take for an infectious form of pathology.

In general, the doctor prescribes expectorants together with antihistamines. Treatment of children with an acute form of the disease is carried out in a hospital.

In the treatment of pathology, inhalations are carried out through a nebulizer apparatus using mineral water.

An important role is played by prevention, which consists in excluding the possibility of contact of the baby with the allergen. Late-identified disease can lead to the development of asthma in a child.