Increased neutrophils in the child

When evaluating blood test results, doctors pay special attention to leukocytes. The change in their number indicates the presence in the body of an inflammatory process. In particular, it is possible to establish it by neutrophils, which are one of the varieties of leukocytes. They are produced in the red bone marrow.

How many neutrophils should be normal in the baby's blood?

In order to determine whether neutrophils are increased in a child, it is necessary to know the value of the norm. It is worth noting that it is customary to single out 2 forms of these blood elements: immature - stab, and mature - segmented.

The content of these elements is variable and varies with the child's age:

When a child has a raised stab (immature) neutrophils, it is said that the leukocyte formula shifts to the left. This is observed in acute infectious diseases, physical overstrain, acidosis (one of the forms of violations of the acid-base balance of the body, characterized by an absolute or relative excess of acids).

What causes an increase in neutrophils in children?

The main reasons that a child has neutrophils in his blood are such diseases and disorders as:

The intake of corticosteroid drugs also increases the number of neutrophils in the blood of the baby.