Cefazolin for children

Cefazolin is a therapeutic drug that has an antimicrobial effect. It has found its application in pediatrics, in particular, in a hospital when the child is placed in the infectious department.

Cefazolin: indications for use

Cefazolin is the strongest antibiotic, capable of causing the strongest side reactions. Therefore, it is used in the most extreme cases with such diseases as:

This drug is quite effective, because it has a long period of exposure to the body (up to eight hours).

Cefazolin for children: dosage

The daily dosage in childhood is not more than 40 mg per kilogram of the child's weight. In the case of a severe course of an infectious disease in especially urgent cases, it is possible to administer 100 mg per kilogram of body weight. The full course of treatment is ten days.

The medicine is administered in 4 divided doses.

In the event of an overdose, there may be seizures, vomiting and tachycardia.

How to spoil cefazolinum to children?

Cefazolin is prescribed in injections, both intramuscularly and intravenously.

When intravenously administered cefazolin it is necessary to dilute it with a special solution for injections. Injections for the buttocks are diluted with novocaine or lidocaine. It is not recommended to dilute children with Novocaine, because with this method of administration, severe allergic reactions are possible.

After the injection is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child, so it is most advisable to conduct treatment with cefazolin in a hospital.

Cefazolin: how to raise children?

To dilute cefazolin, you need to buy bottles of 0.5 grams of drug substance and 5 ml of 1% solution of novocaine. For example, with a daily dosage of 400 mg, 1 ml of the resulting solution contains 100 mg of cefazolin. Accordingly, a 4 ml solution of cefazolin with novocaine should be injected into the syringe.

When using vials of 1 gram for dilution, add 10 ml of novocaine.

If the child does not tolerate novocaine, then use a lidocaine solution or water.

With an intravenous route of administration of cefazolin, it is diluted with 5% glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride.

The procedure for diluting cefazolin is as follows:

  1. A protective foil is removed from the vial.
  2. Wadded alcohol swab treated rubber cap.
  3. Novocain is added to the vial of cefazolin.
  4. The resulting solution is vigorously shaken to dissolve.
  5. Take the syringe and fill it with the resulting solution.

Antibiotic cefazolin for children: contraindications and adverse reactions

It is forbidden to use cefazolin for infants less than one month old, as well as for babies who are prone to intolerance to medicines belonging to the cephalosporin group.

If the kidney function is impaired, the child needs special medical supervision.

In the case of sensitivity to the penicillin group of drugs, allergic reactions on the skin can occur.

During the course of treatment, the presence of sugar in the urine, which disappears after termination of cefazolin.

The following manifestations are possible as side reactions:

It is not recommended to dilute cefazolin with novocaine to children under 18 years of age, as this worsens the work of the gastrointestinal tract, contributes to a malfunction of the heart rhythm and the appearance of pain in the chest area in the child. When appointing cefazolin together with novocaine on the recommendation of a doctor, you must first make a test for novocaine. In the absence of allergic reactions, it can be used for breeding under the strict supervision of a doctor.

It should be remembered that this drug is a strong antibiotic, so the expediency of its use should be evaluated by a pediatrician.