Red streaky spots in the child

A child is an incredibly complex mechanism, and the work of his body is very different from that of an adult. Pediatricians like to tell mothers that in any case, children are not allowed to eat something that parents do, even if the amount of the product is scanty, in comparison with the adult portion. Unfortunately, parents do not always listen, and often strive to "treat" the child to the forbidden "yummy".

But the most interesting is the surprise of moms, when they mark the red rough spots in the child - the classic manifestations of allergic dermatitis. Let's discuss this issue in more detail.

Red rough spots on the body - causes

Allergic dermatitis - a very common reaction among infants, as well as children up to 5 years. It manifests itself in the form of red rough spots on the cheeks or body of the child, which can itch and swell. What is the reason for their appearance and how to help the child? To begin with, there are two types of allergic dermatitis:

The good news is that as the child develops, his skin, as well as internal organs, grows older. Over time, they will become reliable protectors of the baby from allergens. But while this did not happen - the red rough spots on the body of the child will "scream" to the mother about the overload of the baby's body.

How to avoid the appearance of red rough cheeks in a baby and an older child? First of all, try to understand what exactly the kid is reacting to. Wash all the things that contact the baby's skin with an anti-allergenic detergent powder - bed linen, things, a robe you carry around the house when spending time with the child. Next, write a list of "suspected" products. Exclude one at a time, observe whether there is an improvement until you reach the "same". There are cases of intolerance to vitamin D, which, in view of the prevention of rickets, is taken by every baby.

If, after the above tips, the baby's reddening and roughness do not go away - it is worth to pass the test for dysbiosis. Very often, allergic reactions are associated with insufficient bowel function. If you marked the red rough spots on the cheeks and the body of the baby that appeared after constipation - the reason is most likely hidden in the intestine.

Be healthy!