Frozen food

Frozen products are gaining popularity and demand every day. However, there are many people who do not trust such food and consider frozen food as harmful and unsuitable for healthy eating.

The Truth About Frozen Foods

First of all, remember that only frozen vegetables and fruits are a deposit of useful substances. All other finished frozen products only save time spent in the kitchen, but to the word "useful" have nothing to do.

Some people mistakenly believe that meat and fish frozen products practically do not differ in nutritional qualities from fresh ones, and the process of freezing kills all possible microbes and bacteria. Contrary to popular belief, bacteria are much more sensitive to high temperatures than to cold exposure.

If you consider ready-made frozen foods for fitness for a healthy diet , then you should be realistic and do not have the illusion that fresh and frozen fish and meat products differ only in terms of storage. Meat frozen foods often contain flavor enhancers and nutritional supplements, they are filled with flavors and flavor stabilizers, and also contain salt. Compare this product with fresh is wrong.

Frozen fish products are also far from useful. Before becoming frozen and getting on the shelves, fresh fish repeatedly plunges into cold water (glazed). Despite the fact that the water in frozen fish products should not be more than 4%, some producers inject water inside the carcass, thereby increasing its weight. And the injection solution often contains dyes and stabilizers, so that the frozen fish for a long time had a beautiful presentation.

And although it would not be very fair to say about the harm of frozen products, there's no use in expecting them from exactly. The only exception is frozen vegetables and fruits. With proper storage, they do not lose their useful properties, they contain the same vitamins and useful substances as fresh cousins.