Silver water is good and bad

Once upon a time, silver water was considered healing, and people thought that it was able to save a lot of diseases. However, today experts do not call such water uniquely useful. Even the fact that silver is a heavy metal is alarming, and all metals of this type, getting into the body in excess quantities, produce toxic effects.

Silver is an excellent antibiotic

Scientists have found out that silver water is really capable of destroying many pathogenic microbes. It can be called a universal antibiotic, since bacteria retain susceptibility to silver ions, but to the traditional antibacterial drugs, microorganisms develop resistance over time.

It has been proven that silver water produces a stronger bactericidal effect than that of mercuric chloride, lime and carbolic acid. In addition, silver ions have a wider spectrum of action than antibiotics known to us, that is, they destroy much more pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, the use of silver water for our ancestors was indeed very great, because many centuries ago there was no large arsenal of medicines, a water purification system was not developed, and those who died from severe infectious diseases could not properly bury.

Benefit and harm of silver water

However, there are also negative consequences to which silver in the water leads, its usefulness becomes doubtful because of this. Of course, silver ions are present in our body, and according to specialists' calculations, the necessary quantity of this element is obtained from the person with food. I must say that the influence of silver on our body has not yet been fully studied. So far, the condition caused by the deficit of this element is not described in the literature, that is, doctors do not consider a lack of silver as a serious problem. Although there is an opinion that in normal concentration silver ions provide a fast metabolism, and if they lack, the metabolism worsens.

Regular use of large doses of silver leads to its accumulation, after all, like all heavy metals, silver is withdrawn rather slowly. This condition is called argyria or argiroz. Its signs are:

Based on this, it can be concluded that silver water could be useful as an antibacterial agent. Today, there is almost no need for it, because special medicines have been developed for the control of infectious diseases, and their influence on the organism has been sufficiently well studied, because they can be considered safer compared to silver water. The use of such water for a person is called into question, so it's better not to experiment with your health and not use it inside. But for external use (washing of wounds, irrigation of the pharynx and oral cavity, manufacturing of lotions) ionized silver water can be used on the recommendation of a doctor.