Approximate menu for losing weight

They say that all the full people do not have breakfast. If you read these lines, you must assume that you have problems with overweight. Do you have breakfast? In case of a negative answer, your example only confirms the general opinion of all dieticians. But now it's not about the role of breakfast in our life. Our task is to make an approximate menu for weight loss, which will be:

Despite the large number of requirements, our task is more than real.


Alas, according to the rules of our diet menu for weight loss, you have to adapt to them. You say that your stomach does not require food in the morning? It's just that he long ago lost hope that he would get it. In the morning after awakening, you should drink a glass of pure non-carbonated water - this triggers the metabolism and "turns on" the stomach. What will we eat:

Drink after eating immediately does not follow, be patient with tea, water or juice for about an hour.

Snack at work

We will arrange snacks before and after lunch. As a snack we can use:


Lunch is the most controversial item in our correct diet menu. On the one hand, not everyone is able to eat hearty and useful to eat during a lunch break. On the other hand - without the main meal in any way. It is not necessary to satisfy hunger with fast food - fast food, chebureks and whites, it is better to satisfy your hunger with the help of one of the above snacks and dine at home normally, even if the clock will be 7-8 hours.

Meals for lunch:

Depending on when you managed to have lunch, this could be the last, and last but one, of the food. If you are hungry before going to bed, you can drink yogurt and eat rye bread or prepare steam cheese cakes without sugar and raisins.