New Year's signs and superstitions

On the eve of the New Year everyone, even the most pragmatic of us in the soul turns into a child who believes that in the new year everything will be different and there will be a place for a miracle in it. Such a faith makes our life colorful, it can push us to fatal changes, important decisions, add confidence in ourselves and our strengths.

We, as well as our ancestors once, still believe in New Year's signs and superstitions, the main of which is how you will meet the New Year, so you will spend it.

It is because of this superstition that preparations for the New Year's Day lasts more than one day-purchases of gifts, smoke and steam in kitchens, a list of guests and sending postcards, and, of course, an exceptional New Year's wardrobe.

If you want to spend the next year in new clothes, put on new things for the new year. If you want (and you, of course, want to!), So that in the coming year prosperity reigns in the house, the New Year table should be its example. These are the two main superstitions for the new year, which, however, all adhere to.

Preparing for the New Year

According to the signs and superstitions, the New Year is celebrated from December 29 to January 1, which means that before the 29th, it is necessary to deal with its "tails".

  1. Give all the debts, and do not ask for a loan. Those who do not have time to pay their debts, for the whole year in them will hang, as well as those who ask for loans on the eve of the New Year. And if you lend someone to these days, you will distribute money all year round.
  2. New Year's superstitions say that before the New Year, you should ask forgiveness from all those who you have offended for a year.
  3. Do not forget about cleaning your house from last year's deposits: windows and glass in the house wash to shine, clean corners, take out all the garbage, old and unnecessary things, get rid of the bat and cracked utensils. Do not carry trash to the bright future.

New Year's Eve

  1. New Year should be celebrated with the family. In the New Year's Eve visit all relatives, and meet this holiday among the people closest to you.
  2. Of all the good signs and superstitions for creating a family fortress, protection from grief and separation, the following is distinguished. On the table should be present cereals, nuts, fruits and it is necessarily wheat. The more noisy and fun you celebrate the coming of the New Year, the more prosperous it will be.

During the battle of the chimes you should have a cash bill in your pocket, and if you do not have pockets on you, keep a coin in your hand. As soon as the chimes are broken, throw a coin into a glass of champagne and, after making a wish , drink to the bottom. Then in the coin, you should make a hole and wear yourself all year as a talisman.

If the New Year's Eve is empty in your pocket, you will spend the whole year in need. In addition, to improve the financial situation, one should adhere to the following modern signs and superstitions:

The most popular superstition is based on the fact that, the action you will take in the New Year's Eve party will be repeated with you all next year. Proceeding from this, any quarrel at the festive table will lead to a year-long strife, and a good mood, love and understanding on this evening will only strengthen your ties.

And further. Live fire is very useful for the atmosphere. If you do not have a fireplace, then the whole house should be lit by candles.