A sign for happiness

It so happened that we all remember the bad signs : we avoid black cats, we are afraid to sit on the corner of the table, we ask that they do not swindle us ... Yes, there, even when we are adults, we do not like it when they cross us - they will not grow up. There is an impression that there are more bad things in our life than good ones. Let's make sure that we will have enough luck for all the bad ones.

People's signs for luck

People's beliefs are not just the ignorance of the "chips" that come from, each of them is the accumulated experience and hidden messages. What are the most common signs of luck:

Signs of feng shui, bringing good luck

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the flow of energy depends on how you manage the space of your home. To guide her into the channel of luck, you must observe the balance and follow the basic rules of feng shui . In addition, to draw luck, you can use some elements of the interior decor:

In addition, traditionally a sign on a woman's or man's happiness can be a flower.

Flowers for women and men's happiness:

Flowers for man's happiness:

Deciding to surround yourself with things that are signs of luck, you are subconsciously tuning in to positive energy. But it's not worth dwelling too much on the signs of fate - you risk overlooking real happiness!