Helba - useful properties

This spice is widely used in eastern cooking and has several names: shamballa, fenugreek, fenugreek or helba. The plant from which the fragrant seeds are extracted, is called still chaman or mehti. Today the spice has become a regular on the table of vegetarians and connoisseurs of healthy nutrition. Its addition to the dishes of beans prevents the manifestations of flatulence and gives the food a pleasant smell. It is believed that Helba is useful for women's health, as well as for weight gain. Let us examine in more detail the properties of the seeds of this plant.

Seeds of Helba against infection

For a cold, it is useful:

  1. Pour a handful of seeds with water (0.5 liters).
  2. Wait for the night to stand still.
  3. Then strain.
  4. Heat and add honey.

This drink increases the immunity, facilitates the flow of ARVI, tones up, improves the brain. Infusion is also taken for prophylaxis instead of morning tea.

To combat gingivitis and stomatitis, oriental medicine advises keeping the cheekbone seeds behind your cheek, although from the point of view of traditional therapy it seems risky.

Helba for women

Fenugreek contains the substance diosgenin, which is a natural analogue of the female hormone, therefore, if the production of estrogen is insufficient, it is useful to drink tea from shambala. Previously, with a decoction of fenugreek, they took baths. In ancient times, women knew that the seeds of this plant are capable of giving their forms an attractive pomp and eliminating many of the problems associated with disrupting the reproductive system. Useful properties of Helbae are the ability to stimulate sexual activity and reduce the walls of the uterus, to accelerate the arrival of menstruation. Fenugreek seeds also give anti-inflammatory effect, save for dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), help the body to recover after childbirth. Seedlings promote breast enlargement.

Similar useful properties are oil helba - such a product in theory should be more effective than seeds due to a high concentration of active substances. At the same time, one should beware of imitations. If there is no possibility to buy oil in a proven place, it is better to give preference to seeds that are more appropriate to purchase directly in Asian countries.

Helba and food

The effect of fenugreek on the body is quite interesting. On the one hand, the oil seeds and oil help the ladies gain weight by increasing estrogen. At the same time, food, seasoned with shamballa, quickly causes satiety, and it is impossible to overeat in this case. Therefore, paradoxically, the seeds of the plant are used for weight loss. The famous Egyptian yellow tea is made from fenugreek. It gives an easy diuretic effect and does not allow eating too much.

Fenugreek for hair

Infusion of hulba seeds has found wide application in home hair care. One spoonful of the crushed raw material (or as a whole) is poured into ¾ cups of water and left overnight. The product is daily rubbed into the roots of the hair. The specific smell inherent in shamballa disappears one hour after the procedure. The infusion of fenugreek accelerates the growth of hair and partly prevents their loss.

Contraindications for use of Helbae

Do not use fenugreek with a tendency to food allergies . If after receiving this spice there were unpleasant sensations, irritation and other characteristic symptoms, it is necessary to address to the allergist.

It is undesirable to use seasoning for gastrointestinal diseases. There is an opinion that for men plant seeds are harmful, because lead to a weakening of potency and obesity due to satiety of the body with estrogen. At the same time in eastern countries shamballa is used to stimulate male power.