Dandelion root

All known plant - dandelion becomes bright yellow, starting from early spring, during its flowering, and then it turns into a puff and the wind carries it for huge distances. It is also known that dandelion flowers are closed at night, as well as in rainy and cloudy weather.

The leaves and roots of this plant contain tar, sugar, rubber, vitamins, organic acids, calcium and potassium. In flowers and leaves, there is a lot of vitamin C, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Such a storehouse of vitamins and minerals has long been used in cooking. There are many recipes for salads from a dandelion, and its non-dissolved flowers are marinated, because they are not inferior to the taste of capers. So dandelion is not a weed, as many people think, but a medicinal plant used in folk medicine.

Use in medicine

Today we will talk about the root of a dandelion. It is a powerful vertical rod of brown color, in the section it is white. The leaves and flowers of the dandelion field medicinal are harvested during flowering, and the roots are excavated in autumn, washed in cold water, cut into parts and dried in the sun. In medicine, this plant is used to improve digestion and appetite.

Infusion from the root of a dandelion is used to treat cholelithiasis and constipation. This plant can be part of therapeutic teas and used to treat the initial stages of diabetes mellitus. With various skin diseases (boils, acne, dermatitis caused by medications), infusions from the dandelion are applied externally.

Due to its useful properties in folk medicine, the dandelion root is widely used as an expectorant, hypnotic and sedative, which also helps infusion and hemorrhoids. Here is one of the recipes of the infusion of roots, used as a cholagogue. One tablespoon of dried dandelion roots pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for two hours. Drink tincture should be 15 minutes before eating 1/3 cup three times a day.

Dandelion field medicinal in the people called Russian ginseng. And the roots of this plant are not only used in medicine, but also brewed as flavored coffee.

Healing properties

The whole world knows about its medicinal properties. For example, in China dandelion is used as a diaphoretic and febrifuge, and healers of Bulgaria with the juice of its roots treat inflammations of the stomach and intestines, anemia and gallbladder diseases.

German herbalists recommend the root of a dandelion in urolithiasis and with bladder disease. Polish healers prescribe tinctures from this plant with general weakness and liver diseases. In France, infusion from the root of a dandelion is drunk to reduce cholesterol in the blood. Russian healers believe that the leaves of this plant have a beneficial effect when bitten by a snake.

Here are a few more recipes, which include a medicinal field dandelion.

If you have inflamed joints, then take:

Two spoons of the collection are brewed 0.5 liters. boiling water in a thermos.

In chronic atony of the intestine use a strong infusion of dandelion roots. 1 teaspoon of chopped roots is poured a glass of water and boiled. Drink 4 times a day before eating a quarter of a glass.

With allergies, a decoction from the roots of dandelion and burdock helps a lot. Chopping the roots and mixing the resulting raw materials, measure two tablespoons, pour three glasses of water and insist 8 hours. Then it should be boiled for 10 minutes. Drink her before meals and at night five times a day for half a glass.

For losing weight

The dandelion root is used not only for treatment, but also for weight loss, it improves the digestive tract and maintains the water-salt balance in the body, and also removes toxic and harmful substances, since it has a laxative effect. This plant is used for cascade fasting.

We hope that our article has changed your attitude to this truly noble plant, which at first sight seems simple.