Vacuum cleaner for computer

Many PC users do not pay enough attention to keeping the system unit and keyboard clean, but absolutely in vain. After all, most of the failures can be avoided by timely cleaning your guide to the endless world of the Internet. How to do it? Yes, everything is very simple, it is enough to purchase the most common mini vacuum cleaner for a computer. Computer vacuum cleaners have compact dimensions and sufficient suction power to remove all debris between the keys of the keyboard and other hard-to-reach places.

How useful is a vacuum cleaner for a computer?

You'll probably be genuinely surprised to find out the keyboard if it has not been cleaned for several months. As a rule, only attention is paid to it when the keys begin to fall or not work at all. Especially this problem is relevant for fans of a bite, not getting up because of the PC. The situation is not even better within the system unit, in a short time all the coolers and radiators of the device manage to build a dense dust "carpet". But this is already a serious problem, because the PC parts do not get proper cooling. Well, if the dust becomes wet, it will turn into an excellent conductor for the electric current. In this case, not far and until the device completely out of order. Can I clean my computer with a special vacuum cleaner? You can, more than that you need! Let's figure out how to choose a convenient and compact vacuum cleaner.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for a computer?

Vacuum cleaners for cleaning computers are produced by many manufacturers, but is either of them suitable for your PC? First of all, pay attention to the nozzle, it must be narrow enough to easily get dust, even in the most secluded corners. It is desirable that it was equipped with a flashlight, then the quality of cleaning will increase at times, because you will see all the dust . The vacuum cleaner for the computer should be small, it is desirable to have power from the USB. The length of the network cable must be at least one and a half meters, otherwise it will be simply inconvenient to clean the computer. Verify the presence of a variety of nozzles, which are applied depending on the situation. In fact, there should be at least three of them: a brush-nozzle, rubber and soft. It will not be superfluous and a power regulator, through which it will be possible to reduce power as needed. Another very convenient feature is the "turbo", which for a short time significantly increases the power of the device. By and large, any of the computer vacuum cleaners will be able to cope well with its purpose - to remove dust, the choice is reduced to the availability of "convenience" that will facilitate the process in the future to the user.

Precautions for cleaning

Try to touch the motherboard at a minimum, because static electricity is not an invention at all, but a real threat to spoil the fragile details. It is for these purposes and serve as rubber attachments, which prevent the occurrence of discharges, which can disable some parts of the PC.

Try to clean the chips neatly, limiting only to light touching them. To the same extent, this also applies to cleaning the computer power supply.

Do not press the device excessively hard during cleaning, the quality of cleaning is unlikely to improve, but the detail can easily be spoiled.

Most importantly, do not forget to clean your computer and keyboard in a timely manner, so you can significantly increase their service life. But every day this should not be done, the optimal interval for cleaning the PC is one to two months. As you can see, not only for people, purity is the key to "health".