How to deal with dust?

Home dust is an ineradicable problem of housewives, and how to fight it ladies did not try, but it still appears. Why is this happening, and how to defeat this enemy?

How to deal with dust at home?

The first thing you need to understand and accept is that you can not completely get rid of dust. The reason for this lies in the fact that the source of dust is literally everything that surrounds us, including domestic animals and the person himself. Hair, keratinized particles, wool, pollen of houseplants, fibers of linen and clothes, fluff and others. But do not despair, because to reduce the amount of dust to a minimum there is an opportunity.

Ways to combat domestic dust:

  1. Wet cleaning. Conduct it as often as possible, if possible - then every day. Do not bypass the favorite places of dust: shelves, bookcases, toys, the tops of cabinets and chests of drawers, etc. Use not a simple rag, but a microfiber, which better removes dirt and dust.
  2. Special chemistry. Advanced technology is ready to come to the rescue of modern mistresses. Various sprays, liquids and wipes help to more effectively eliminate dust.
  3. Once a week, cover new linens, take out the pillows in the sun in order to get rid of the laundry mite, one of the main source of dust. If there is a powerful vacuum cleaner, walk through them on all soft surfaces: a sofa, a bed, soft toys, carpets on the walls and on the floor.
  4. In winter, hang out winter clothes, blankets and a pillow on the street, also to eliminate the tick.
  5. He likes dust and cuisine, for scattered croup and fly are an excellent replenishment of its composition. If something wakes up, clean it right away.
  6. Air purifiers are a real rescue from dust. They draw dust that is in the air, cleaning it.

It should be remembered that a broom and infirm vacuum cleaners will only do worse by lifting dust into the air without eliminating it. The same goes for the beautiful panicles with which the housekeepers in the films are so amused. They do not remove dust, but sweep it into the air.

Before you, the basic ways how to deal with dust. Good luck in this difficult matter!