Experiments for children at home - 14 interesting experiments

Unfortunately, most of the students can not stand such things as physics and chemistry. They are not easy to give, especially if the teacher does not back up his actions with interesting, vivid examples of chemical or physical reactions. Parents can help children to love a difficult science, if from an early age to demonstrate experiments for children at home, while telling them about the amazing qualities of ordinary substances.

Chemical experiments for children at home

Even in kindergarten children can be interested in such exciting activities. Do not forget that showing entertaining experiences in chemistry for children, you should be extremely cautious and observe strict security measures. Although the substances used will not cause significant harm to the participants of the process, from a young age children should be told how to behave in such lessons. You can transfer the entire process to the street or the kitchen, but in living quarters it is better not to experiment.

Experiments with dry ice for children

Carbon dioxide, or as it is also called dry ice, is used not only for cooling drinks and ice cream, but also for scientific experiments with inquisitive people. These hard crystals, which need to be transported properly and stored in special containers, can be purchased at specialized stores. The substance is often used in experiments for children at home.

  1. The simplest trick with dry ice is to lower it into a container with cool or hot water. In this case, the substance will become gaseous and the higher the water temperature, the stronger the observed reaction.
  2. Excellent experiences for children at home will be safe classes. If you drip into the water with ice a little detergent for the dishes, then immediately grows a white cap of bubbles, which can be picked up.

Experiments with starch for children

Do not get upset if you do not have ice blocks on hand, because you can take advantage of what's in the kitchen cabinet of every housewife. For example, fun experiments for children at home can be done using potato starch:

  1. The simplest thing that can be done with starch is to stain it with iodine. To do this, dilute the starch in water and drip into it with an antiseptic pipette. The liquid turns blue.
  2. Experiences for children at home allow not only to interest children, but also to replenish the treasury of their knowledge. To do this, you need cut in half potatoes and cucumber. On the middle of the pieces you need to drip the iodine. In this case, the potatoes turn blue, and the cucumber will have a brown speck because of the absence of starch in it.

Experiments with milk for children

Is it possible to use simple cow milk somehow differently, and not for the intended purpose? Naturally, yes, and such an experiment will be very interesting for school-age children:

  1. Experiments with milk at home are very simple, but they are no less cognitive. A sharp stick is dipped in milk and a secret message is written. After drying it must be ironed to make letters.
  2. Now you need dyes and liquid soap. In a plate of milk pour a few drops of paints, and in the center put a dot with a cotton swab dipped in a detergent. Iridescent stains arise due to the fact that the chemical repels the fat away from itself, and the paint shows it visually.

Physical experiments for children at home

Not only chemistry can be of interest to children. Boring physics can be "revived" and interesting experiments for children at home will also benefit. All that the kid knows about, but can not see with his own eyes, can be observed in action with the help of simple and interesting tests. As with chemistry, the safety of children should be controlled by adults.

Experiments with air for children

There are various experiments with which you can understand how invisible air affects surrounding objects:

  1. If you take two lemons, one of which is peeled, and put both in water, then the "naked" will immediately drown. The one who remained "dressed" will stay on the surface thanks to air, which in the form of small bubbles, is found in large quantities in the skin of the fruit.
  2. Interesting experiments with air for children should be safe, like the one in which only a ball and bottle is used. On an empty plastic container, put the ball on and lower the bottom in well-warm water. When the air in the bottle is heated, the air will expand, and the balloon blows.

Experiments with sound for children

Everybody hears the sound of the wind, but no one can see it, because the sound is invisible. But there are interesting experiments for children that will allow you to experiment with it and learn a lot of new things. You can conduct them both with the kids from the kindergarten, as well as with the students of the senior and junior classes. For this, no special equipment is required, because everything is necessary in every house:

  1. A beautiful sound can be obtained with the help of ordinary glasses. You need to take a few different shapes and sizes and fill them with water. Then with a wet finger you need to drive along the rim taking out different sounds.
  2. Experiences for children at home - it's easy. You need to take a plastic cup and cut it in half. After it is dipped in a detergent. Then the ring should be brought to the music column. When the music is quiet - the film will vibrate vaguely, and with bass sound - puff.

Experiments with magnets for children

Polarity is a concept completely unknown to the kid. But if we show in practice how the plus and minus acts, then, perhaps, the parents will be so interested in their child that a well-known physicist will grow out of it. Such spectacular experiments for children can be used as additional lessons:

  1. On the table you need to pour a handful of small carnations or pins, and put a powerful magnet under the table top. Turning it, the carnations begin to "dance".
  2. If we take two magnets and bring them closer together, they will be attracted in case of different polarities, and if they are the same, they will be repelled.

Experiences with electricity for children

Each parent tells his child about responsible handling of electricity. But if it is not 220 volts, then such experiments with static electricity for children are quite harmless and even useful for development:

  1. Taking an inflated balloon it must be rubbed with a woolen mitten, giving it a positive charge. Charged in this way, he can draw to himself everything that has a negative charge - hair, poppy seeds and stuff.
  2. Little children will be interested to see the dancing pupae. To do this, cut out small paper figures and put them any surface. After wiping a plastic ruler or comb on a piece of wool, you should lower it over the notches. Magnetizing, they start circling in the dance.