Cartoon about Babu Yaga

Parents responsible for the upbringing of children understand how important it is to control the factors that affect the child. Of course, to protect from the negative influences of the outside world does not work at all, and there is no need, by and large. But it is quite within the power of parents to monitor the information that the child receives and, if possible, filter it.

First of all, it sways cartoons, movies and TV shows. The first are especially relevant for preschool children and primary school children. Due to the appearance of multiple publications and various programs, most parents are extremely negative about foreign-made cartoons, preferring "domestic producers", and ideally Soviet cartoons, which they grew up themselves. It is believed that Soviet cartoons by default teach good, simple human values ​​and are free from violence. These statements can be argued, but this is a pointless thing. Instead, we suggest that you analyze some of them.

Cartoons about Babu Yaga occupy a special place in the huge list of Soviet cartoons, which is quite natural, because it is one of the most common, but at the same time mysterious characters of Slavic tales and folklore. Cartoons, where Baba Yaga is, are traditionally liked by children, because they brightly and prominently demonstrate the struggle between good and evil with a positive outcome.

However, considering Babu Yaga as a representative of evil forces is not entirely correct. As follows from ancient Slavic mythology, Yaga - priestess of magic, a kind of intermediary between the worlds - real and otherworldly - "the thirtieth kingdom". It connects the world of the dead with the world of the living, its indispensable attribute is the hut on the chicken legs "turns now alive, then dead - to the forest back, to the hero front. Playing on subconscious archetypes, this image causes children at the same time fear, curiosity and some admiration. And the meeting with her, for example, in the cartoons with the participation of Baba-Yaga, marks a test, and, in the end, initiation - that is, the maturation and development of the hero, with whom, of course, every child identifies himself.

In the Soviet cartoons about Babu Yaga, as, indeed, in folk epics and fairy tales, this character appears in two ways:

The theme of good Yaga is well developed in many fairy tales, where she acts as an assistant and a giver - she gives a magic ball, tells the way to Koscheevo kingdom, and can even give a drink and feed in a bathhouse.

Numerous cartoons about Babu Yaga can be combined into a list that will undoubtedly lead the works of Soviet multipliers. New cartoons about Babu Yaga, unfortunately, are very rare, but they also rejoice with their constant adherence to the traditions of the image of this character.

Baby cartoons about Babu Yaga - List

Children are interested in cartoons and about other heroes, for example, wolves , dragons and dolphins .