How to build a relationship with her husband?

Relations with the husband are the foundation of family life. On how close, respectful and trustworthy these relations depend on the climate in the family and the satisfaction with the life of both spouses. Unfortunately, many women start to think about this when the relationship with her husband has completely deteriorated. At this point, the fair sex are wondering how to establish relationships with her husband.

The psychology of the relationship between husband and wife is a vast issue, studied by psychologists of different countries of the world. But, none of them will not give a universal recipe, how to establish relations with a man. The only thing you can say for sure is that it is much easier to maintain a good relationship with your husband than to try to return what was lost. Consider the most common situations that any woman can face.

  1. How to restore intimate relationships with her husband after childbirth. Sexual life of spouses is a very important part of family life, which plays a big role in relationships. Due to the physiological characteristics of a woman, during sexual intercourse and pregnancy, sexual relations go to the background. Depending on how quickly the wife is recovering from the birth of a child, the period without sex is from 2 to 8 months. You can resume sexual relations with your husband as soon as a woman feels ready. To delay this moment is not worth it, since a long period of abstinence and the appearance of a new man in the family can negatively affect relations with the spouse. Only with a full sexual life, the husband will not feel aloof, and will not suffer from the wife's lack of attention.
  2. How to maintain a relationship with her husband. This question is asked by women in the case when in the relationship with her husband there is some coldness and alienation. Psychologists say that in 5-7 years after the wedding, a period of full accustomed spouses to each other, the former feelings and passion fade, and they are replaced by a new stage of relations. If to the husband and the wife for years of a joint life it was possible to establish trust and respect, the following stage of a family life is capable to improve only that is. Otherwise, quarrels, scandals and grievances are not uncommon. In order to maintain a relationship with her husband, in the first place, you need to pay as much attention to the spouse and marriage. Next, you should start a tradition - one day a week to spend together with her husband in the way that both want. Save the relationship with her husband help joint plans, ideas and their discussions. Plan joint rest and business, share impressions and deeds, regularly have sex, and the relationship will not only be preserved, but also significantly strengthened.
  3. How to build a relationship with an ex-husband. A former husband, despite the fact that he remained in the past, continues to invisibly be present in the life of a woman, especially if they have common children. To determine the tactics of behavior and relations with the ex-husband is only possible to the woman, depending on the relationship in which the former spouses parted. In any case, you need to choose the most peaceful and painless position for yourself, which would allow you to communicate with the ex-husband as necessary and not to stir up past grievances. Since the relationship of the husband with the ex-wife is kept friendly very rarely, one should always maintain a certain distance.
  4. Relations with the children of her husband. The children of the husband play a very important role in his life. Therefore, a good relationship with the children of the husband is the guarantee of a strong relationship between the spouses. Before agreeing to an offer to marry, a woman should weigh the pros and cons and see if she is ready to accept her husband's children. Because in the process of family life it will be too late to decide this question. In relations with children (especially if the children of her husband are teenagers), it is necessary to be able to keep distance and not be imposed. Children should be given the opportunity to gradually get used to the new order of things and accept their father's new wife.
  5. Bad relationship with her husband is not a reason for divorce, but an excuse for emotions. As a happy family life is impossible without the support and trust of the spouse. Since the return of a relationship with her husband can be very difficult, every woman should take care that in her house there is always a loving and friendly atmosphere.