Aphids in tomatoes

Aphids are a nuisance to many planters and gardeners. Some aphid plants can destroy completely, and in some, it only spoils the bush itself, without interfering with the growth of fruits. The latter include tomatoes. On how to deal with aphids on tomatoes and what preventive measures exist against this pest, we will discuss further.

Do aphids have tomatoes?

This question is asked by beginning gardeners and gardeners who know that tomato tops are often used as a means of fighting aphids. Despite the effectiveness of this measure, tomato bushes themselves are susceptible to attack by aphids. The pest attacks ground and greenhouse tomatoes, adult bushes and seedlings.

Just like in other plants, in tomato aphids first of all affects the place from the underside of the leaf, especially if these are young leaves. Aphids on tomatoes multiply rapidly, feed on plant juices and release sticky dew, which attracts ants.

Gradually, with the increase in the number of individuals, the leaves of the bush begin to deform and die off. If the tomatoes had time to mature by this time, then nothing will happen to them. They can only become covered with honey dew from aphids, which is easy to wash off. If the damage to aphids occurred before the time of maturation, and the pest has not been timely eliminated, the fruits can be deformed.

On tomatoes there are different kinds of aphids: white aphids, black, green, peach and melon aphids.

How to treat tomatoes from aphids?

There are several methods to control aphids on tomatoes. The choice of each of them depends on the number of insects.

Mechanical destruction of aphids

If aphids on the bushes a little, it can be removed mechanically. For this insect should be crushed or knocked down from the bush by a powerful stream of water from the hose.

Chemicals from aphids on tomatoes

To control aphids on tomatoes use tools such as "Aktara", "Aktafit", etc. Dosage of them should be calculated in accordance with the instructions in the manual. Help drugs from aphids on seedlings of tomatoes and adult bushes. Leaves of the latter should be sprayed from the lower side. Treat plants regardless of their age three times with breaks for 5 - 7 days (the period of maturation of aphid larvae).

Folk remedies for aphids on tomatoes

  1. Decoctions of herbs. In the fight against aphids is to use herbs with a bitter smell and taste - it is celandine, wormwood and yarrow. Herbs are bred in a ratio of 1 part of grass to 2 parts of water. The broth is cooked in a volume of 1 liter, then it is bred to 10 liters. In the broth, you need to add a usual laundry soap, 10 grams of it takes 40 g. After the solution is ready, it is filtered and sprayed with bushes three times with a frequency of 5 to 7 days.
  2. Tobacco. A tobacco-based solution is prepared in a similar way. To make it, you need 400 g of tobacco, 10 liters of water and 40 grams of laundry soap.
  3. Garlic. For the preparation of infusion on the basis of garlic, one must insist, during the day, crushed garlic cloves in an amount of 3 to 5 pieces per 0.5 liter of water. Then add 1 tsp to the solution. laundry soap and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The resulting solution is added to the water for spraying. For 1 liter it is necessary to take 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Ash. Effective in combating aphid solution based on ash. For its preparation, take a glass of ash, 10 liters of water and 20 grams of laundry soap.

Using folk remedies, it should be remembered that the rain washes them off the leaves, and therefore in rainy weather, fighting with aphids can become more complicated. It will be necessary to spray the bushes after precipitation.

Preventing the appearance of aphids on tomatoes

Preventive measure in the control of aphids can be planting next to bushes of tomatoes or other plants that are not prone to attack by aphids, garlic and onions . Nitrogen fertilizers, which supplement the plants, give young green shoots that attract aphids, and therefore, it is not necessary to abuse such bait.