The most effective diet for the week

Today you can find a lot of diets that promise magical results in the first seven days. However, practice shows that a very effective diet for a week does not always turn out to be so, and there are many reasons for this.

Why are diets not always effective?

Among the most common problems that lead to negative consequences are the following:

Why do I need a diet?

It is believed that the most effective diet for a week should solve several problems:

However, do not forget that any diet is a stress for the body. And especially this amendment is important for the so-called rigid mono-diet, where during the week, as the main one, only one product is used.

A special discussion deserves a fitness diet for weight loss, the menu of which differs from the usual diet, since weight loss-promoting classes require replenishment of energy, and this can not be done by all products.

For those who are engaged in fitness and want to lose weight, the diet should include foods rich in animal protein: lean meat, including chicken or turkey; sour-milk products with a small percentage of fat content, vegetables and fruits, as well as porridges from bran. In total, the caloric content of the women's weight loss menu for those engaged in fitness should not exceed 1600 kcal per day, and portions should be small in volume.

Diet for a week will be effective if the menu includes meat and fish products cooked on steamed or stewed, as well as freshly squeezed citrus juices, vegetable and fruit natural drinks.

Sample menu: