Oral dermatitis - treatment

Oral dermatitis (in some sources - perioral dermatitis) - a disease manifested in the form of rashes on the skin in the mouth. The disease is more common in women of sexual maturity (from 18 to 45 years). Although she does not experience any particularly painful sensations, a noticeable reddening of the skin and pimples on her face create psychological discomfort. Therefore, the question of how to treat oral dermatitis, is relevant for those who suffer from this disease from time to time.

Treatment of oral dermatitis

The process of treating oral dermatitis on the face lasts several months. And the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the faster and more efficient will be the result of the therapy. As a rule, a dermatologist for treatment of oral dermatitis prescribes drugs in a complex:

In the treatment of oral dermatitis Metronidazole and antibiotics at first may be an exacerbation of the clinical picture, but, 2-3 weeks after the start of therapy, the skin condition is significantly improved.

Often, as an alternative to antibacterial external agents, the following drugs are prescribed:

Important importance in getting rid of unpleasant rashes on the face is observance of a sparing diet with the exception of sharp, fried, salty foods and alcoholic beverages. It is undesirable for oral dermatitis to eat bakery products from yeast and dough. It is recommended to take a cycle:

At the final stage of therapy it is advisable to attend physiotherapeutic procedures:

Physiotherapy is selected by a specialist individually, taking into account the age and condition of the patient's skin. Thanks to the performed procedures, the cellular exchange improves, microcirculation is restored and the multiplication of pathogens is blocked.

Treatment of oral dermatitis with folk remedies

Along with medicamental therapy, folk remedies can be used, and in some cases, for example, during pregnancy, unconventional medicine is the only possible treatment. For washing and wiping the face skin, infusions are used with the content of plant components:

Even more noticeable therapeutic effect is the use of plant charges, for example, decoction of calendula and celandine:

  1. To make it, crushed herbs, taken in quantities of two tablespoons, are filled with a glass of water.
  2. They are placed for 10 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Cooled liquid several times a day should be wiped the affected area.

Excellent help in getting rid of oral dermatitis lotions from the flesh of fresh pumpkin, potatoes, aloe. Gadgets with different agents can be alternated. Well-proven compresses from a folded in several layers of gauze, impregnated with pumpkin or potato juice.