Modern girls do not just have to. You need to always keep yourself in shape and remain attractive, and when so many things need to be done, sometimes there's no time to look into the gym. Sometimes looking at the calendar causes a clear sense of the approaching end of the world? Holidays, meetings of alumni, the anniversary of the company and other natural disasters, where our presence is absolutely necessary and not just a presence, but "in all its beauty and splendor". It is possible to arrive fully armed, even if you have only ten days left before the scheduled date. Quickly lose weight at home will help you a few tips.
On the importance of the regime
The first step on our path is clearly to paint our regime to go to bed no later than 24:00. Nutritionists argue that nedosyp often causes overeating, so sleep is almost necessary.
The diet and sleep will help to lose weight properly at home. Nutritionists are advised to divide the daily diet into 5-6 meals, which for maximum benefit should occur after an equal time. The last meal should be carried out two hours before bedtime, the other is fraught with insomnia.
If in your arsenal, besides lack of sleep, there are bad habits, such as smoking, if you do not quit, then at least reduce the number of cigarettes consumed.
About the diet
The second step is changing the usual diet. We remove from the diet products containing carbohydrates or - forming carbohydrates. It's trite, but the fact - proper nutrition - is the first answer to the question "how can I lose weight at home." Any set of exercises will give the maximum effect only with proper nutrition.
Which products should be preferred? It is required to remove sweet, flour and fried. If specifically, white bread is replaced with black, cakes, biscuits, sweets - remove from sight. If your body can not exist without sweet, use something that will not harm the figure - sweet fruit or dried fruits: apples, prunes, dried apricots, dates.
Favorite food, like fried potatoes and pasta in the Navy must be necessarily excluded from the diet. But what's important is not what we eat, but with what we eat and how to cook. For example, pasta from durum wheat will not harm the waist as well as baked potatoes.
Strict restrictions apply to meat, so, immediately lose weight at home will help low-fat veal and white boiled chicken. As a side dish, give preference to cereals and vegetables. Rational nutrition implies the exclusion from the diet of mayonnaise and ketchup, spicy and salty foods. All this detains water in the body, preventing the process of losing weight. Water, on the contrary, should drink at least 1.5 liters per day.
In a compartment with proper nutrition to lose weight at home will help, including exercises aimed at problem areas. You can use the inventory, if any
Rational nutrition gives the body enough calories and vitamins to not put it into stress, but does not give carbohydrates, from which our subcutaneous accumulations are built in the wrong places.
To consolidate the results, it is necessary to eat in the same spirit all the time. Instead of fried preference should be given to baked, boiled and stewed. Make the taste pronounced with spices that stimulate digestion and improve metabolic processes.