How to lose weight after giving birth while feeding?

From the pages of glossy magazines star mums look at us, which, it would seem, did not have time to get out of the maternity home, as they already lost weight and pumped up their lost stomachs. However, doctors warn: safe weight loss after delivery during feeding means a loss of not more than two kilograms of weight per month. Otherwise, lactation can be interrupted, which will greatly harm the baby at the earliest stages of life. But these two kilos are worth their weight in gold. So, let's get to the point!

We exclude "uselessness"

Your rapid appetite, of course, due to breastfeeding, but lactation also takes on calories , and quite a lot. Do not eat fat, because ostensibly, it will make your milk more nutritious. From the diet should be deleted all that is not useful and necessary for the baby, and also hurts the process of losing weight:


Tell how to lose weight when breastfeeding and not to mention physical activity is impossible.

No matter how busy you are with the new pleasant troubles, absolutely every woman can find 15 minutes to charge, and playing with the baby can be frolic, training with him. In addition, both children and their mothers are recommended to walk in the fresh air. And if you observe all the above types of physical activity, kilograms, believe me, will begin to melt.