Flat stomach at home

A flat beautiful belly is the dream of every woman who has recently given birth to a child or just recovered. Indeed, it is this part of the body that gives women a lot of trouble - in connection with female physiology, the body always strives to impose a fat on the stomach, so that during pregnancy the baby is reliably protected by this kind of shock absorber. However, this does not mean that you can not fight with excess fatty deposits.

How to make a flat stomach: will the exercises help?

When it comes to flat stomach in girls, usually the problem is not that the muscles are not in tune, but that the stomach is covered with fatty deposits more than necessary. Pinch your belly just below the navel and just to the right or to the left of it - if the fold is more than 1.5-2 centimeters, then your problem is the amount of subcutaneous fat.

Simple exercises for a flat stomach are not capable to affect fatty deposits: their action is directed on that to form a muscular skeleton. If you only swing a press using some newfangled complex of exercises for a flat stomach, your problem will not be solved, and can also worsen, as the pumped muscles under a layer of fat will give additional volumes. That's why give up the idea that you can pump up the press without removing the fat deposits. The power loads, which assume all effective exercises for a flat stomach, will come in handy somewhat later, when you cope with the fat deposits and form a beautiful press.

Fitness: flat belly

And yet, there is a charge for a flat stomach. True, it is not in exercises, but in aerobic exercise: running is perfect, jumping rope, practicing almost any kind of aerobics. In addition, excellent gymnastics for a flat stomach is a daily 20-30-minute torsion of the hoop in both directions.

The main condition for the effectiveness of your program for a flat stomach is regularity. It makes no sense to run once a week. To get the desired beautiful tummy, you need to work 3-5 times a week!

You can choose any kind of load. If you have weak willpower - buy a subscription to the fitness club. If you are limited in means - go jogging or jumping rope. The main thing - your homework or jogging should not be too short. During an aerobic exercise, the body first uses the energy that you get with food, and only 20 minutes after the start of training, it refers to the fats that were stored by your body before. Thus, it is necessary to run or jump with a rope for at least 30-40 minutes to find a flat stomach. Only in this way will you really get rid of the fat layer, and in a short time.

Flat stomach at home: nutrition

For weight loss in the abdominal region, the most effective are morning workouts on an empty stomach, having preliminary drunk a cup of fresh coffee without sugar and cream. Coffee will give the body more strength for exercise and will accelerate the process of burning fats.

If you can not do it in the morning, do it in the evening, but do not forget that after dinner, at least 2 hours must pass before a sport is practiced, and it is also not recommended to eat 1,5-2 hours after a workout. It is this approach that will help the body to split the accumulated fats to the maximum. If, during this period, something to eat, the body will not extract energy from fat deposits, but simply take it from food.

In this case, to make your stomach lose weight more effectively, give up confectionery, fried foods, fast food and all sweet drinks. Such a nutrition system for a flat stomach will allow you to see results in the very near future.