Myostimulators for weight loss

It is difficult to say that myostimulators for weight loss are frenzied, but there are many people who would like to lose weight effortlessly, as promising advertising promises. For some reason, for the sake of beauty, health and harmony, some people are willing to spend money on dubious appliances, instead of saving them on improper food. Consider how true advertising is and what effect you can expect from a myostimulator.

Myostimulators for weight loss

Myostimulation is a procedure in which, under the influence of pulses of electric current of low frequency, partial regeneration of tissues takes place. Traditionally, myostimulators are used in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, osteochondrosis of the spine and scoliosis, arthritis , arthrosis, diseases of the nervous system, as well as for accelerated recovery after injury.

The low purity current causes the muscles to contract, thereby increasing their tone. It is this effect, as a rule, advertised by manufacturers, claiming that it promotes weight loss.

In fact, fat and muscle tissue are completely different structures and even if you have a well developed musculature, it may well be hiding under a layer of fat. Professional athletes, to achieve the effect of relief muscles, use special protein diets and prolonged workouts that cause subcutaneous fat to disappear. Myostimulation is powerless in terms of fighting fat - it is only able to bring muscles to a certain degree in tone. However, one can not say that in this sense the device is useless: many people note the effectiveness of the myostimulator against cellulite. Since cellulite often accompanies excess weight, there is still the possibility of somewhat correcting your figure with this device.

But myostimulator-belt for weight loss will help you only strengthen the abdominal muscles a little, and not remove fat from the stomach. In order to break down the subcutaneous fatty tissue, you need to limit the amount of carbohydrates in food and add intense aerobic load, rather than count on a "miracle device."

Summarizing, we can say that myostimulants do not contribute to the disappearance of adipose tissue, and therefore, directly to slimming relations still do not have. But with the help of such a device you can strengthen the muscles and to some extent smooth out cellulite. Before you select a myostimulator , evaluate its need for your particular case. If the problem is in the fat layer - this device will not solve it. But if you want to exercise without muscle exercises to tone up or cope with cellulite - this option is quite possible to try. Remember, the effect from it will not be as pronounced as it is portrayed in advertising.

Myostimulator: contraindications

Before using the myostimulator, be sure to read the list of contraindications. Despite all the potential benefits of such devices in the treatment of diseases and toning of muscles, it is not possible to use them all. For example, myostimulation is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

Before using any massager-myostimulator it is recommended to consult a doctor and clarify. Do you have any individual contraindications. As a last resort, you can find this out in any free online consultation.