Earring for weight loss

Some people daily scour the net and study more and more new diets, and there are also those wishing to lose weight, which diets do not suit, they, you see, give the original methods, without diets, without sports load, but with a twist. The earring for weight loss is a method just for such people. Lose weight from wearing a needle rather than an earring in the ear - is it too tempting to be true?

Slimming Rules

This method is by no means new, but has been tested for millennia. Since this "earring" is nothing special from the acupuncture needle, and the method itself guarantees weight loss just by affecting the energy points located on the ears. So, the earring in the ear for weight loss is injected into the point, which activates the metabolism , reduces the appetite, and the person involuntarily begins to eat faster.

Losing weight with the help of earrings lasts at least a month, and the recommended term is three months. All this time you will be under the control of a nutritionist and an acupuncturist doctor, because the earring in the ear can cause rejection (this is with individual intolerance), and can also trigger the emergence of other diseases (this is not exactly accurate entry to the point of weight loss).

Without diets can not do

But there is one "but", which immediately disappoints all lovers to lose weight without dieting. Earring for weight loss involves a strict diet. The developers of the method emphasize that without a diet for the entire period of wearing excess weight either does not go away, or will soon return to its original place. Thus, you will need to sit on a low-calorie diet from one month to three. And without an earring on a three-month diet, you would not lose weight?

Varieties of the method

There is a way (cheaper), when you can lose weight with the help of an earring and without the doctor's intervention in acupuncture. In the pharmacy you can purchase special magnetic earrings, which are easy to attach yourself. And you can wear these earrings for several months.

The acupuncture method involves the introduction of a Chinese needle and various manipulations aimed at weight reduction through the activation of metabolic processes.

The serious method

Use this method of weight loss should only be for those who with full responsibility realize that the impact on energy points really leads to changes in our body: both positive and negative. Depending on where you put the needle, you can lose weight, get sick, fall into a coma or even die.

You should also carefully consider the search for a master acupuncture , because your future health depends on him. You can easily stumble upon a charlatan, which is a bit cheaper than the rest offers everything, the same. Such people irresponsibly stick a needle in your ear, and hope that this will be a relatively innocuous point.


The introduction of earrings in the ear for weight loss has a lot of contraindications:


Conclusions about this method can be done a lot. First, only fully healthy women can use it. Apparently, the method helps to lose weight, because is an incentive for observing such a long and low-calorie diet. Finally, you will have someone to account for your success in "not devouring" cakes, rolls, pork, because from time to time you will visit for a routine check of a nutritionist and undergo additional puncturing at other points.

The method is unlikely to help those who gain weight not due to overeating. There are people who are easily fattening genetically, there are those who are seizing problems, there are also medicines that contribute to weight gain. In any case, if the problem is not in your stomach, but in the brain, for example, lose weight earring in your ear is unlikely to help.