Processing cabbage from pests with vinegar

Ogorodniki even know with little experience that it is not an easy task to save cabbage from pest infestation . And very often in the fight against cabbage pests, the good old folk remedies are much more effective than the advertised modern insecticides. About one of the folk remedies - the processing of cabbage from pests with vinegar and will be discussed today.

Processing cabbage from the flea with vinegar

The cruciferous flea is not in vain awarded the title of the most dangerous pest of cabbage and other plants of the cruciferous family. This small jumping insect, hardly visible to the naked eye, can completely completely destroy even the strongest and well-kept cabbage seedlings in the shortest possible time. The cruciferous flea wakes up after wintering early enough and at first feeds on weeds to eventually move to cabbage and other cultivated plants. In this case, the damage to plants is caused both by adults of the flea, which feed on the leaves, and its larvae that feed on the roots. Under favorable conditions multiplies lightning fast, in a matter of days affecting the entire cabbage patch.

The recipe for processing cabbage vinegar from the flea is as follows: in 10 liters of warm water, you need to dissolve 1 cup of 9% vinegar and process the cabbage. It is best to spray cabbage on a clear, warm day, and in most cases only one treatment is sufficient to achieve a successful result. You can also use and vinegar essence, dissolving it in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water and carefully spilling this solution with cabbage from the watering can.

Processing cabbage vinegar from caterpillars

Caterpillars of a butterfly-cabbage leaf or cabbage whitewash also bring irreparable harm to the cabbage. They not only eat holes of different sizes in its leaves, but also leave on them excreta, clogging pores on the leaf and possessing toxic properties. In addition, the caterpillar stage is the most energy consuming in the whole life cycle of the butterfly, so the caterpillars are excessively voracious and capable of even destroying significant cabbages in small quantities. Get rid of caterpillars and scare off the cabbage laying on her butterfly eggs will help treatment with vinegar.

The recipe for cabbage processing with vinegar from caterpillars is as follows: 1 tablespoon of acetic essence should be dissolved in 10 liters of warm water and sprinkled with cabbage in warm clear weather.