How to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse - good advice for a good harvest

Increasingly, the owners of suburban areas think about how to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse. After all, in a well-equipped greenhouse with a competent approach, fresh vegetables can be grown all year round. And the taste and quality of home products will be much better than the purchased one. In order to obtain a crop, it is necessary to create certain conditions.

Which cucumbers should be planted in a greenhouse?

When deciding what sorts of cucumbers should be planted in a greenhouse, it is recommended to stop on parthenocarpic subspecies. They form mostly female flowers and do not need pollination. Breeders brought them out especially for enclosed spaces. Insect varieties can be cultivated in a greenhouse, but they will need a manual shake to form the ovary. The best types of vegetables for closed structures:

  1. Muraki F1. Ripen, self-fruitful, productive. It is distinguished by excellent taste characteristics, fruits up to 12 cm in size.
  2. Boy with a finger. Sparse, resistant to diseases. Vegetables 11 cm resemble gherkins, ideal for pickling.
  3. Annushka F1. Self-pollinated, not whimsical in cultivation variety. Gives the average fruit of 125 grams, with a watery sweet taste, crispy.
  4. Benefit F1. Early-ripening, the fruits have a weight of up to 120 grams, devoid of bitterness.

When can you plant cucumbers in a greenhouse?

As a rule, planting cucumbers in a greenhouse is done by two methods:

  1. Seeds. Timing, when you need to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse, are due to its equipment. The fundamental parameter for development is the temperature of the substrate, it should not be below + 15 ° C. In hotbeds, sowing is carried out in the first February decade, without it - at the end of April.
  2. Seedlings. Often seeds are sown after April 20th. They germinate for 2 days at + 25 ° C, then gain strength. After 25 days (after May 15) seedlings can be moved to the ground. When cultivating cucumbers in heated hotbeds for a year, it is easy to make three turns and to have fresh vegetables stably.

How to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse?

To collect a good harvest, it is important to learn how to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse. During cultivation, the planting periods are taken into account, the sowing scheme, in autumn and spring, is prepared, disinfected and soil fertilized. To install a hothouse room you need a flat area that is not affected by the northern winds. The area with a southern slope is perfect for the area. Groundwater on it should not lie above 150-200 cm.

Cucumbers - preparing the greenhouse for planting

Before planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, it must be prepared. The walls of the building are disinfected in the spring, because harmful microorganisms can accumulate in them. For disinfection, chlorine lime is useful - 400 g / 10 liters of water. On the eve of each new landing, the upper tier (5-7 cm) of soil should be changed to a new one. In the old are the pathogens of various ailments and viruses affecting the immature seedlings.

The primary danger to the plant is cold. The temperature in the structure before planting is required + 20-25 ° C, day and night fluctuations should not be more than 5-7 ° C. To increase it, the beds are filled with sawdust, drifting manure into the depth of 50 cm. On the "warm" platform, a 25 centimeter layer of fertile substrate is placed on top of the "fuel". The room provides a moisture content of 75-90%, since it is better to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse that is not saturated with dry air - the culture does not tolerate it. When heat is hot, the scatterers of water.

How to plant cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse?

On the question of how to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse out of seedlings, gardeners recommend doing it without picks . Special pots are suitable for sowing. They are filled with a collection of humus, peat, turf (2: 1: 2). To the substrate is admixed with nitrophos (60 g / 10 kg) and a couple of glasses of ash. The granules are buried 1 cm in 1-2 units in a small vessel (5x5 cm), covered with a film and held at + 25 ° C. On the 5th day, the cellophane is removed, the temperature is lowered to + 18 ° C, moistened with moderately warm water (+ 26-28 ° C).

How to plant seedlings from cucumbers in a greenhouse:

How to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with seeds?

How to properly plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with seeds:

At what depth do you put the cucumbers in the greenhouse?

Seed seeds are placed with a pointed tip up into the grooves or holes. Before this, the soil is moistened with warm water. The depth of planting cucumbers in seeds in a closed greenhouse is 2-4 cm. The spine of a sprouted grain should not be longer than 0.5 cm, if more - it is rejected. In the hole, 2 seeds are placed at a distance of 4 cm from each other (then leave a more powerful sprout), sprinkled with earth and mulched . After seeding, the bed is covered with translucent polyethylene.

How far to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse?

It is important to consider how far to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse, because they do not like thickening. Arrangement scheme: 15-20 cm between the specimens, and 50 cm - span of the rows. For optimal lighting plant plants are advisable in a checkerboard pattern. After the distribution should be 6 bushes per running meter. Shoots occur 4-5 days after disembarkation.

At the stage of 2-3 jagged leaves, the seedlings are allowed to thin out without tearing, but gently breaking off the excess sprouts. Along each ridge, a rope is fastened vertically or a narrow strip is not less than 2 m high. At the stage 8-9 of the leaves one must take into account the fixation of the shoots to the trellises. The plant growing up is ventilated, better illuminated, receives more heat.

Soil for planting cucumbers in the greenhouse?

The correct planting of cucumbers in the greenhouse is carried out in a light, aerated earth of neutral reaction. In autumn, the land is cleared of post-harvest residues, disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate: 1 tbsp. l per 10 liters of water. Before planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, the substrate must be fertilized. Under the dig in the autumn, humus or compost is introduced in the proportion of 1 bucket per 1 m2 of area.

In the spring a month before sowing in the ground add 2 tsp superphosphate plus 2 tbsp. l ash per 1m 2 plot. After the ridge is poured biostimulator development "Energene" (1 capsule / 10 liters of water) with a norm of 2-3 liters per 1m 2 . Even a small portion of this drug markedly increases the fertility of the earth layer. After applying fertilizers, the future planting area is smoothed and podpushivayut rake.

How to water cucumbers in the greenhouse after planting?

Both the overabundance and lack of watering lead to ovary failure, leaf withering, deformation of the fruit. The soil in the cucumber greenhouse should be stably wet, and not wet. Watering cucumbers after planting in the greenhouse is due to the stage of their growth. Before flowering, humidify in a volume of 6-8 liters, in the phase of ovary molding - 8-10 liters, at the stage of fruiting - 14-18 liters per 1m 2 twice a week. Water is heated, pour it under the roots, and not on the foliage (so as not to cause burns). Each time after moistening, the ground is loosely loosened, sprinkled with dry grass.

Addition of cucumbers when planting in a greenhouse

When cultivated in a greenhouse, 4-5 makeup is planned. Fertilizers when planting cucumbers in a greenhouse:

What can I put cucumbers in a greenhouse?

If there is a shortage of space on the site, you can use mixed layouts. What to put next to cucumbers in the greenhouse:

What can not plant cucumbers in the greenhouse?

There are cultures that harm the neighborhood. How to properly plant cucumbers in a greenhouse, which is undesirable to combine: