The child throws back his head

Headache in the child is often found, especially in newborns. The child can tilt his head, capricious, or in a dream. Many parents are worried about the question: is it normal and is it worth worrying about this.

Why does the child throw back his head?

During sleep

In newborn children, the normal head position is a slight forward slope. However, if a child sleeps on his side until 3-4 months, throwing his head back, this is also considered a variant of the norm. After 4 months, tilting the child's head will gradually decrease.

If a child in an older age continues to throw his head back in a dream, analyze the possible reasons for this.

Often the cause of the overturned head in a child are external stimuli. These can be toys, hung in a crib over the head of the baby, and not at the level of the abdomen, as recommended. Perhaps behind the head or behind the back of the child at the moment of falling asleep is a TV that is turned on, the sounds of which attract the attention of the baby, because of which he throws back his head. Maybe parents or other household members are talking or just standing behind a falling asleep baby, which can also make the curious crumb take this position.

The reason for the baby's head to be thrown back can be quite harmless: it is possible that it is just so convenient for him. Follow yourself, maybe you yourself sleep with your head thrown back? In this case, it's just a habitual pose, passed on to the kid by inheritance.

If in your case the above factors are not present, and the child still tilts his head back, inform the doctor about it. Most likely, a pediatrician or a neurologist will establish the presence of muscle hypertonia, and in this case a course of massage and phytotherapy or physiotherapy will be necessary.

During wakefulness

A waking toddler can also tilt his head. Sometimes he does it, just twisting. If this happens not often and not regularly, there is no cause for concern. If you see that the child often tilts his head back hard, straining the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back, there can be serious reasons that you need to find as soon as possible, having consulted with the doctor. This may be a muscle hypertonia, as discussed above, or increased intracranial pressure, or damage to the nervous system. In this case, a pediatrician, neurologist or physiotherapist will be assigned a special treatment aimed at eliminating the root cause.

It often happens that a child, crying or capricious, arches an arch and throws back his head. This is quite normal, but every time this happens, you need to adjust the position of the child. The breast should be placed on the abdomen, then under gravity the head will assume a normal position. Another way, suitable for both babies and older children: if the child arches, lying on his back, gently lift his ass - the weight of the baby's body will shift to the shoulder blades and the extra tone of the muscles of the neck and shoulders will naturally go away.