How to draw a drawing?

Not all children, for the first time picking up a pencil, paint masterpieces. And it's not a talent at all, because he originally has every child.

Where to begin?

It is important to explain to the kid how to draw pictures in stages in order to get a good result.

You can start this drawing at the age of 3-4 years, when the child is already consciously related to the lessons. To begin with, you should choose images that are simpler, which clearly describes how simple geometric shapes can be obtained, for example, mumps or a turtle. To babies the last stage of drawing is also important - coloring a picture.

How to draw children's drawings?

When a child already knows how to draw individual objects, you can already try to arrange them. Before you draw a simple drawing you need to discuss what exactly the child wants to portray on it. After that, on the sheet you need to determine the location of the individual parts and proceed directly to the drawing.

It is enough just to draw a well-known kolobok on a forest path surrounded by flowers and berries. The sketch is done with a simple pencil, and then it is painted with paints or markers.

How to draw cool little pictures?

Older children already want to portray funny comic heroes, and there is no difficulty in this. With the help of all the same geometric figures (oval and circle), the animal's body is drawn, and the rest of the details are a fluffy tail and the muzzle is made in the form of shading. It remains only to paint the drawing in any convenient way.

With a simple pencil, you can easily draw your favorite animals. Girls are very fond of depicting a horse. This graceful animal is probably already in the collection of toys. To begin with, it is easy to mark the head and face of the animal with light strokes, and then proceed to draw such small details as the eye, ears and mane.

How to draw a puppy: master class

  1. Let's try to draw a Labrador puppy with a baby - for a child it will not be easy, but we'll start with a light one - instead of a body there will be an oval, and a circle will serve as a head. It is not necessary that these details have perfect proportions - everything is drawn by hand. The dog's body will be located approximately in the middle of the leaf.
  2. Now determine the location of the muzzle (circle), and around the body-oval, we mark the neck and legs. Pillows will also be in the form of circles.
  3. In a semicircle we apply light lines that will denote the level of the eyes and nose, it can already be drawn in the middle of the muzzle. Labradors are not standing, but long hanging ears, they should reach the neck of the animal.
  4. We continue to draw the muzzle, making it more square; draw a line of the mouth. Eyes are very expressive. Try to convey this with the help of shadows in the inner corners.
  5. From the muzzle we pass to the paws and torso. On the shoulders we denote the wool with denticles, we draw the fingers on the paws and add the tail.
  6. Now, using the eraser, we remove all the rough hard lines that are not needed. Now the puppy begins to look like a finished drawing, but it will still be necessary to refine it.
  7. Puppy should be given a "fluffiness". For this, in short strokes that are applied in different directions, we separate the head from the trunk and plan a "wrinkle" in the middle of the muzzle and the puppy's eyebrow.
  8. In order to give our labradorchiku volume, we use hatching on the folds of the paws and tummy, as well as on the ears. At the same time, it serves as a shadow and is visualized as wool.
  9. Make the shadows more intense and the drawing is ready!

Draw such a dog will be under the force of a child 8-10 years. But if the drawing is not exactly like that, do not focus on failures, because you have to praise talent and then it will certainly open up.