Can I carry my baby in the front seat?

With the advent of a small child in the family, the car becomes just a necessary thing, because it is extremely difficult to get to the right point with the baby in the hands using public transport, and it is very expensive to call a taxi all the time.

Nevertheless, the car is a very unsafe mode of transport. Caring parents, who often drive a car with a child, pay great attention to the safety of crumbs. That is why car enthusiasts often have a question whether it is possible to transport the child in the car in the front seat. Let's try to understand.

How many years can I carry my baby in the front seat?

Most people believe that the child can be put on the front seat of the car only when he turns 12 years old. In reality, this opinion is erroneous. Paragraph 22.9 of the RF Road Regulations states that it is possible to transport children in the front seat earlier, but only with the use of special retention devices.

Consequently, on the front seat, you can put a child of any age, acquiring the necessary adaptations corresponding to its height and weight. Another thing is that the greatest safety in the car is achieved from behind, and each parent must decide for himself, which is more important for him, and where to put his child is better.

Rules of transportation of children in the front seat of the car

For transporting the child, the following rules must be observed:

Children older than 12 years can be placed in front without the use of car seats and other similar devices. In this case, the child must be fastened with a seat belt. The only exception is children who have reached the age of 12 but have a height below 140 cm. In order for a child of this height to ride in front in relative safety, it is necessary to disconnect the front pillow, and in case of impossibility - to transplant the child back.

To carry children up to 12 years in the front seat, one of the following devices is required:

It should be noted that the "0" car seat for front accommodation is not suitable. It is designed to carry babies up to 6 months lying down and should be located behind, perpendicular to the movement of the machine. The "0+" car seat can be installed in the front, but not with an active airbag. All other variations of restraint devices may be used without any restrictions.

Penalty for transporting a child in the front seat of a car

The punishment for transportation of a child without the use of special devices in Russia is about 55 US dollars. In Ukraine and even less - for the wrong transportation of the baby you will have to pay from 2.4 to 4 US dollars. For comparison, in Germany and other European countries, the fine for such a violation can reach 800 euros.