Pottery for children

Natural material clay for millennia absorbs the power of the sun, earth, water, air, which is why products made of clay carry a special energy. Pottery at all times was considered an honorable and fascinating thing, and with the advent of the potter's wheel about 7000 years ago its new era began. Manufacturers of products for children's creativity have not lost sight of the ancient craft and created a potter's wheel for children, allowing to turn for a while any room in a pottery workshop.

What is a children's potter's wheel?

Toy pottery circle, judging by the reviews of those who tested this device, equally managed to conquer adults and children. The main part of the toy is the circle itself, which operates on batteries or from the network. When the pedal is turned on or pressed, the circle starts to rotate and allows the formation of objects of rounded shapes, such as vases, candlesticks, saucers and other small decorative objects or a puppet. Also, the pottery set for children can be supplemented with other necessary for creativity accessories and materials - directly clay, paints, brushes, tools, a thread for clay cutting, ornaments, etc. Clay in kits is used environmentally friendly, without impurities and allergens.

Pros of working with a children's potter's wheel

Interestingly, working with clay is now on the wave of popularity. For adults, master classes on pottery are organized, for children in creative studios open mugs for modeling of clay. Psychologists explain this by the fact that people want to temporarily forget about vanity, reduce stress, immerse themselves in an atmosphere of tranquility and approach nature. Perhaps, children do not have such a need, but, of course, working with clay is a more useful alternative to the same computer games. So let's look at the advantages of a home pottery workshop for children:

  1. The toy allows you to spend an interesting time with the child in the company of parents, it is unlikely that the pope wants to drive cars on the couch, and participation in the creation of the pot is exactly interested.
  2. Children's potter's wheel develops assiduity , thanks to an unusual process and spectacular result.
  3. Pottery is useful for children, as it develops small motor skills, fingers touch new material and are massaged, which improves the activity of brain activity.
  4. Playing with clay develops fantasy, because from plastic material you can create without restrictions.

Cons, which is worth knowing in advance

A child's set of a potter's wheel can bring disappointment, if one does not take an interest in the topic in advance. Consider the aspects to which it is important to be prepared:

  1. It is difficult to imagine that games with clay will keep the room clean, therefore, to have fun, you need to prepare. It is necessary to completely change the child, think about the apron, to lay an oilcloth floor and a working surface - from all this clay it will be easy to wash off.
  2. It must be understood that the toy potter's wheel is not a professional equipment, ideally even large vases are unlikely to work even after long training. The meaning lies in the game, activity, creativity, and not in creating a standard.
  3. Finally, when acquiring a children's potter's wheel, it is necessary to evaluate the age and skills of the child. A three-year-old kid can upset that nothing happens and he quickly throws a toy or simply sculpts from clay crafts . Another thing 5-8 years, when coordination is better, and the child is quite able to create an inimitable masterpiece.