Books on the education of children - how to choose the best, or how to find your approach to education?

In a childless youth, many tend to think of themselves as great educators. The birth of their own babies leads to the destruction of such illusions, because they do not want to fit into the allotted scope. Books on the education of children give the realization that every child, above all, is an individual.

The best books on raising children

Educational theories and practices can not be counted. Some of them require keeping a child in an iron grip, others advocate the creation of friendly relations between generations. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Therefore, no matter what kind of work is not headed by the rating of books on the upbringing of children, one should focus only on personal feelings. If the read gives positive emotions and gives an incentive to understand and accept your child, then you can safely put the advice into practice. If after the book on raising children there are doubts about one's own strength, rejection of oneself as a parent and other destructive emotions, it's better to put it aside.

The best books on child psychology and education

More recently, rare fathers and mothers have given themselves the trouble to delve into child psychology. Offspring was taken to educate from a position of strength, applying proven methods for centuries, which were still in use by grandfathers and great-grandparents. Books on the upbringing and psychology of children offer to discern in each child personality, and then gently develop its strengths and adjust the weak:

  1. "How to decipher the behavior of your children." "I do not want", "I will not", "not so" - all the kids live a period of denial of everything in the world. Disassemble the behavior of the little stubborn will help Andrea Clifford-Poston.
  2. "The ABC of Child Psychology." Author Sergei Stepanov reveals the veil over the storms in the child's soul and teaches parents to cope with them.
  3. "Rules of the parents." Excellent manual of Richard Templar for those moms and dads who need clear recommendations, how to respond in various acute situations.

Books on raising children from birth

It is considered that the newborn does not give in to any pedagogical methods. In fact, a tender age does not hinder the laying of the first pebbles in the foundation of the building called "personality." As it happens, the best books on raising children from birth are told:

  1. "Your baby from birth to 2 years." In the competence of the spouses Sears can not be doubted, because they have as many as eight children. The book will be a real find for inexperienced and overly anxious young mothers - it explains in detail, when you need to panic, and when you should be patient.
  2. "Fretful? So it is developing! ". According to the authors (Frans Ploy and Hattie Vanderteit), the development of the child goes on in spurts, each of which precedes a period of heightened anxiety. To make transitions through the alarming peaks as soft and painless as possible will help tips from the book.

Books on raising children from 1 year old

The period from the birth of crumbs to 1 year is filled with worries about his physical well-being and passes under the sign of physical parental fatigue. Then she is joined by moral fatigue, because the child begins to actively demonstrate the character. Do not lose your head from the beginning of this period of children's age crises and give the child all the necessary help books on preschool education:

  1. "Secret support. Affection in the life of a child. " Normally, the parent and child are firmly connected by the threads of love and affection. The cocoon of these threads gives the child a basis for harmonious development. Often, the difficulties in the nature of the baby are due to a banal lack of attention, as Lyudmila Petranovskaya reasoned with knowledge.
  2. "On the side of the child." An interesting study by Franzoisa Dolto, revealing before all those who are interested in all aspects of the world of childhood, beginning with the methods of early development, and ending with the peculiarities of the education of girls and boys.

Books on the education of boys

Eternal female dream - strong and reliable man next. How to raise such an own son, will prompt the best books on the education of boys:

  1. "Talking with the son." The problems of modern boys differ significantly from the problems of their fathers, so the latter can not always find a common language with their sons. The book of Andrey Kashkarov will help smooth out sharp corners.
  2. "How to raise a son." In everyday chores, we miss that the greatest wealth is our relatives and friends. How to build a trusting relationship with his son, educate him not in word, but in deed - all this wisdom is taught by Leonid Surzhenko's book.
  3. "My son is growing! How to raise a real man. " Practical advice and recommendations by Jan Grant on how to raise a boy without hyperope and lisping.

Books on the education of girls

Raising a daughter a real woman - a difficult task. Overcome maiden whims, teach to care for themselves and teach a thousand and one home wisdom - in all this help to understand books for parents on the education of children:

  1. "Pre-breeding. Fathers raising daughters. " A unique manual for the education of girls written by a man (Nigel Latta) and for men will help to become a support for the daughter and not crush her individuality.
  2. "Raising a daughter." How to communicate with the girl in different periods of her life, how to bring to her the danger of early sexual life, taking drugs and alcohol and save from a lot of other temptations - these questions are answered by Don and Joan Elium.
  3. "Education of a girl." There is an opinion that it is much easier to raise a daughter than a son. Is this how and how to behave, so that the daughter grew up happy and self-sufficient, will tell the book of Svetlana Khazova and Oksana Kuznetsova.

Books on the education of adolescents

The pubertal period often becomes a kind of obstacle course for the whole family. To see in the sharp and thorny teenager such a favorite and needing protection child will help the best books on the education of adolescents:

  1. "Until your teen has driven you crazy." According to Nigel Latt, the child at the time of puberty is comparable to a walking bomb, stuffed with hormones. The only way to avoid an all-destructing explosion is communication.
  2. "On the side of a teenager." The author of the manual on life with teenagers Françoise Dolto is sure that at this time the child is like a capricious baby. The task of parents is to give maximum care and support. How to ensure it, tells one of the best books on the education of adolescent children.