Vaginal tablets Trichopolum

Trichomoniasis is a rather unpleasant disease that is caused by sexual infection with Trichomonas . This parasite is transferred not only through sexual contact, but also through personal belongings, and it is also possible to transfer Trichomonases during medical examinations when using a poorly processed instrument. Treatment of this ailment is quite simple and not expensive - vaginal tablets or suppositories Trichopolum (Metronidazole). Next, we will consider the use of Trichopolum in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories, and read his instructions.

Vaginal Trichopol - indications for use

Indication for the appointment of vaginal Trichopolis is the detection of symptoms of vaginal trichomoniasis in the patient. A sick woman can complain of burning and severe itching in the vagina, pain when urinating and intimate contacts. At vaginal examination the doctor-gynecologist sees the expressed reddening of a mucous surface of genitals and a vagina which can bleed at a touch. The diagnosis is confirmed by taking a smear from the vagina and staining it according to Romanovsky-Giemsa. In the smear, there are characteristic parasites - Trichomonas.

Trichopolum, vaginal tablets - instruction

Vaganal tablets of Trichopolum contain 500 mg of active ingredient (metronidazole). Assign Trichopolum to the vagina 1 tablet once a day for 7-9 days, in parallel with taking oral metronidazole preparations. After removing the tablet from the protective package, it should be watered with water and inserted deep into the vagina. During the use of this antibacterial drug complaints about itching, pain and burning sensation in the vagina, the appearance of white discharge from the genital tract are possible. From the gastrointestinal tract may appear nausea and taste changes in the mouth. After the end of treatment, symptoms of thrush may appear. With special care, this drug should be prescribed in women with drug allergies.

Contraindicated Trichopol for individual drug intolerance, organic damage to the central nervous system, blood diseases, liver failure, in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

Thus, the trichopolum vaginal tablets are a cheap and effective method of treating trichomoniasis and other bacterial vaginosis. However, they should be appointed only by a doctor who will conduct a qualified examination of the patient and prescribe a treatment.