Mammography - on what day of the cycle?

Around the world, a diagnosis of "breast cancer" is made every year by 1 250 000 women of different ages. In Russia, this disease is detected in 54 000 women. Unfortunately, in many cases, the ailment is detected too late. Nevertheless, breast cancer can be completely cured. For this it is necessary to undergo a regular mammogram of the breast.

Mammography - to whom and why?

Mammography is the examination of the mammary glands with the help of X-rays. It allows not only to detect pathological changes in the tissues of the breast, but also to determine the size of the affected area and its exact location. For most women at risk, this is the only way to detect breast cancer at an early stage, when complete cure is possible. In addition, with the help of mammography, doctors determine the presence in the mammary glands of benign lesions (fibroadenoma), cysts, calcium salt deposits (calcification), etc.

Often women are sent to mammograms with the following symptoms:

When is it better to do a mammogram?

For women who first encounter breast diseases, a lot of questions arise concerning mammography: on which day of the cycle is it best to do a mammogram? How correctly to do or make a mammogram? Is the examination safe?

Doctors calmed: X-rays with mammography are released in extremely small doses and do not pose a health hazard. Nevertheless, future and nursing mothers are better off going through ultrasound mammography, which is completely safe and can be performed several times in a row.

What day is the mammography done? The answer to this question will be given by the attending physician (gynecologist, mammologist, oncologist). Usually mammography is done on the 6-12 day of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the cycle the body of a woman is under the influence of hormones of estrogens, and the breast becomes less stressed and sensitive. This allows you to get the most informative pictures, and the procedure for a woman becomes less uncomfortable. If the patient already has menopause , the examination can be carried out at any time.

With regard to the timing of mammography, the doctors are unanimous: after 40 years, every woman should visit a mammologist once every 1-2 years and undergo a mammogram, even if she feels fine. If you find any anxiety symptoms, mammography should be done regardless of age.

How to get a mammogram?

Special training for mammography is not required. The only thing about which doctors ask, is to refrain from using cosmetics and perfumery in the field of research. In addition, before the procedure will need to remove all necklaces from the neck. If you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding, be sure to tell the radiologist about it, which will conduct the mammogram.

The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes and is practically painless - a small discomfort occurs only in some women whose breasts are extremely sensitive to touch.

The patient is asked to undress to the waist and stand in front of the mammogram, then in turn put the mammary glands between the two plates and lightly squeeze them (this is necessary to obtain high-quality images). Pictures for each breast are made in two projections (straight and oblique). This allows you to get the most complete information about the state of the breast. Sometimes a woman is invited to take additional pictures. After the procedure, the radiologist describes the pictures and draws a conclusion.