Candles for inflammation of the appendages

Candles with inflammation of the appendages are included in the complex treatment of the disease in order to remove pain, relieve inflammation, increase immunity. The action of rectal and vaginal suppositories is similar to that of injections. Their use promotes rapid absorption of the drug into the blood.

When asked which candles to use for inflammation of the appendages, only the doctor after the examination can answer. But to know what modern pharmacology offers, a woman needs herself. All anti-inflammatory suppositories are available in two forms: long rectal and vaginal administration. Consider the most popular of them.

Rectal suppositories for inflammation of the appendages

For a comprehensive treatment of symptoms of inflammation of the appendages, a common medication such as Indamethacin - rectal suppositories that suppress inflammatory processes, analgesics and antipyretic drugs is used. This is an inexpensive and effective medicine that relieves pain from the bottom of the abdomen, is prescribed by a doctor. A candle with adnexitis is injected into the rectum at night or twice a day.

Diclofenac - rectal suppositories that quickly relieve pain and inflammation. The drug is on the list of essential medicines. It is enough to have one candle put in before going to bed. Despite its effectiveness and availability, self-medication is not recommended: contraindications are possible. Before use, carefully read the instructions.

Vaginal suppositories with inflammation of the appendages

When inflammation of the appendages are used Methyluracil suppositories for vaginal use. Their use accelerates the regeneration of cells, stimulates cellular and humoral defense. The medicine can cause allergies and has contraindications.

It is important to understand that with inflammation of the appendages, the suppositories are used for symptomatic treatment. Only as an addition to the main treatment: antibiotics prescribed by a doctor on the basis of tests. When inflammation of the appendages is not enough just to remove the symptoms by inserting a suppository. This disease threatens a woman with infertility. It is necessary to remember this and not to allow hypothermia, promiscuity, strengthen immunity and visit a gynecologist on time.