Slugs - how to get rid?

There are such animals or insects, one kind of which in most people is disgusting. All living beings perform a mission on Earth, but not many women can calmly look at this naked creature, which leaves behind them on plants or walls the opposite tracks. As soon as they do not try to bring them out in the kitchen gardens or in the cellars. And it happens that they get into the apartments, delivering only their appearance a lot of inconvenience. What are these slugs, and how can they be effectively and quickly disposed of?

What is slugs?

We will try to study these creatures in more detail in order to choose the correct method of combating them. There is a class of animals - gastropods. These are our opponents. If ordinary snails have a shell, then slugs it is either underdeveloped, or it is not at all. They lay their eggs in the soil, approximately to a depth of up to 20 centimeters. The larvae do not immediately escape to the surface, and live in the ground for about two weeks. Simple loosening of the surface layer of the soil can destroy them. At the age of two or three months, slugs grow up, and in a year they are able to breed two generations. These creatures live long enough - up to five or seven years. For the winter they fall into a hibernation, previously getting into the soil or fallen leaves. Both larvae and adults feed on plant foods. Most often in cottages you can find a garden or grape snail. Most of the harm is caused by black creatures that reach a length of up to 15 centimeters. Garden slugs are slightly smaller in size - up to 4 cm.

How to withdraw slugs?

But not only in the garden or in the garden you can meet them. These creatures can easily climb into the basement, cellar or even an apartment. If you have not seen them yet, then the presence of these nasty creatures will give out a brilliant trace that remains after them on the floor or walls. It should be noted that many chemical drugs that are effective against other insects on the slug simply do not work. It will be necessary to look for special molluscoids based on copper sulfate or methylaldehyde. That's only apply them can be on the beds, spreading the granules between the plants, but in the cellars and other places of storage of vegetables this can not be done.

If you notice a slug in the house, how do you get rid of it? In the summer you can take out of your cellar all your conservation and carry out the gassing of this room. On the iron sheet should be put sulfuric saber or ground colloidal sulfur. The checker, bought in specialized stores, is easily ignited, and powdered powder is poured onto burning coal. It is necessary to strictly adhere to safety rules so as not to poison yourself with sulfur. Open the room should not be about three days. When you enter into the cellar a new batch of products, then make sure that slugs do not get there again.

Repels these mollusks by polluting the soil with lime (about 20-30 g per square meter). Also sprinkle the ground with salt or treated with a sprayer with a salt solution of the plant. But an overdose with this method can lead to their drying out. Try to water your plants with a solution of citric acid (25 grams per bucket of water) or vinegar (enough for 10 liters of water 25 ml of a 9% solution). It is advisable to spray or water the leaves once a week in the evening. If you are attacked by slugs from a neighboring bed, and you do not know how to get rid of it, try using a solution of lime. At the border, form three bands, which sprinkle with slaked lime. Also, some gardeners use instead of it mustard or superphosphate. Make trays of boards or rags traps, soaking them with beer. It turns out that these shellfish also love this product, but under such cover, they often gather.

Slugs appeared in the apartment, how can you get rid of them? Everyone knows that they love dampness and they can sometimes be found in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Helps salt or mustard powder, which are poured in secluded and damp places. Also, many people say that ground coffee is effective. They do not tolerate caffeine. A one- or two-percent solution of a harmless drink will help drive pests out of the site.