Remedy for midges in the house

For some owners, midges become a real disaster, especially in the warm season. The reasons for their appearance are different: spoiled fruits, flowers, spilled syrup, sewerage, etc. Especially annoying flying midges - Drosophila . They very quickly multiply - laying eggs on unripe fruits, and after their ripening and the beginning of spoilage of eggs, mice appear, which continue to multiply and grow. What is the best way to use against midges? There are many chemical products and dichlorvos, which are actively sold in household chemical shops. However, we all know how much use of certain drugs can harm you. Therefore, if you can do with the national means, try to take advantage of this opportunity.

Folk remedy against midges

How to escape the midge with folk remedies? The first thing you need to do is find out where the place of their maximum accumulation is located. Perhaps you will stumble upon a small spot of spilled syrup on the kitchen floor, eliminating which, you will automatically get rid of the problem. But what to do, if everything is a bit more global and the problem of the appearance of insects lies at the root of unresolved issues with a common sewage system? Or did you notice that it was the beautiful flower that your friend gave you that caused the appearance of insects?

At home, you can use the following remedies for midges:

  1. In the case of sewage, you need to try to block the access of insects to the apartment. If it is not possible to do this mechanically (by any kind of dampers and overlaps), use special chalks and a glass of water filled to half with something sweet and pleasantly smelling with a couple of droplets of detergent. Such a trap is quite effective. Moss fly on a pleasant smell and stick to the surface, pogrjazayut in the liquid.
  2. If you find a problem in a flower, you can treat it with a special tool bought in a flower shop. If this does not help, insert two matches in the pot with sulfur heads down.
  3. You can also get rid of midges with a vacuum cleaner , just blowing them with a stream of air.