Increased acidity of the stomach - treatment

Such gastrointestinal diseases as an ulcer, gastritis , gastroduodenitis often accompanies the increased acidity of the stomach, which is treated with medicines and folk remedies. How to control the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, consider below.

Diet - the basis of treatment

As a rule, it is not possible to cure the increased acidity of the stomach without observing a strict diet. During an exacerbation, when abdominal pain and heartburn does not make you wait after another meal, it is worth seriously adjusting your diet.

The food should be warm, but not hot and not icy. Oily, smoked, sour, spicy dishes should be excluded.

Suitable soups without frying and without boiling broth are acceptable, it is better - soups-mashed potatoes or first courses of oatmeal. Meat and fish are best cooked by steaming, while staying at low-fat varieties. Vegetables and fruits with a high content of fiber in the treatment of high acidity of the stomach can do much harm: it is appropriate to leave the menu with potatoes, carrots, cauliflower. Radish, sorrel and white cabbage can be eaten a little, when there will come a remission.

You can eat all kinds of cereals, but cooked on water or milk without fats and gravies. Cottage cheese, eggs and milk can also be consumed in moderation.

From coffee and soda should be discarded, preferring tea, compote of dried fruits, mineral water without gas and jelly.

Observe the diet, taking medication for increased acidity of the stomach, it is very important. It is better to make a meal fractional and eat a little, but more often.

Treatment of high acidity of the stomach with tablets

The following groups of drugs are responsible for the decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid:

Also suitable for high acidity of the stomach drugs, neutralizing HCl - the so-called. Atacides:

Based on these substances are prepared drugs such as Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox, Rennie. Their reception allows for a few hours to remove the symptoms of increased acidity of the stomach, although for long-term treatment they are not suitable.

Preparations Motilium and Domidon help the contents of the stomach to move to the 12-duodenum, and not vice versa - to the esophagus.

Folk remedies

It is very effective to supplement the treatment of increased acidity of the stomach with preparations with natural remedies, proven centuries.

  1. Honey - 70 - 100 g of the product is diluted in 500 - 600 ml of warm water. This sweet water should be drunk for three meals during the day or until the meal (2 hours), or after (after 3 hours). Honey is treated for 2 - 3 months, it is especially useful in the period of exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, gastroduodenitis.
  2. Potato juice, extracted from fresh tubers (not green!), Drink before eating. The initial dose (1 spoonful) is gradually increased to half a glass. After taking the juice, you must lie down for 20 - 30 minutes.
  3. The shell of chicken eggs, thoroughly washed, dried and ground helps to regulate the acidity of the stomach. Take the drug for 2 tablespoons throughout the day.

Treatment of high acidity of the stomach with herbs

Effective is phytotherapy. Prepare the collection from:

Raw materials are taken in equal proportions, 100 g of this collection are poured with strong wine (1.5 liters). In a warm place, the remedy is insisted for 3 weeks, filtered. The drug is taken on an empty stomach and before going to bed, 2 spoons.