Rosacea - treatment of all forms of the disease

Therapy of chronic skin diseases prone to exacerbations is complex and time-consuming. The complex of treatment should be developed by the doctor individually for each patient. Without a competent approach, the disease will progress, cause irreversible changes in the skin and other complications.

What is rosacea?

This pathology is a chronic lesion of the blood vessels of the epidermis. From Latin, the name of the disease is translated as "rosacea" because of its characteristic features. Without proper and timely treatment, the disease leads to serious consequences:

Rosacea - Causes

The exact origin of the disease has not yet been clarified, only the factors that provoke its onset are known. Rosacea on the face of the cause has the following:

Rosacea - symptoms

The first clinical manifestations of the pathology described are often ignored, because they do not cause discomfort and are easily masked by tonal means. Rosacea on the face - symptoms of an early stage:

The remaining signs of rosacea and ways to treat the disease depend on its type. Symptoms may include:

Rosacea - forms

There are the following types of presented pathology:

  1. Erythematous (telangiectatic) rosacea. Appear red spots and small vascular mesh on the face. This is the easiest kind of rosacea, the photo shows that the defects are almost not reflected in appearance, they can be disguised.
  2. Pink acne (papule-pustular form). Against the background of hyperemia dense nodules are formed, covered with scales. They quickly spread to the entire face and are transformed into pustules (abscesses).
  3. Fimatose (infiltrative-productive) rosacea. Damaged skin is replaced by a connective tissue, becomes thickened and tuberous, facial features change.
  4. Ocular (eye) shape. Accompanied by keratoconjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, blepharitis, keratitis, iritis, can lead to lens opacity and loss of vision.

Rosacea on the face - treatment

Complex therapy of such acne is developed by a dermatologist individually. It is important to find out why and in what form rosacea progresses on the face, the causes and treatment of pathology depend on each other. The mild forms of the disease are amenable to local therapy, the heavier options involve the administration of systemic drugs and the use of a laser. General recommendations on how to treat rosacea:

  1. Use for skin care only hypoallergenic cosmetics and gentle hygiene products.
  2. Limit or exclude any triggers disease (frost, wind, hot air and the like).
  3. Always apply sunscreen when going out.
  4. Avoid frequent use of peelings, tonal remedies and other irritants.
  5. Refuse to drink alcohol, spicy, spicy food.

Cream of rosacea

In the early stages of the disease, you can use local medications that soften the skin and remove irritation. An easy option for rosacea treatment involves such creams:

In the presence of purulent eruptions, papules and pustules, fibrotic changes, prescription means are used. Such pink acne on the face requires treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroid hormones. A dermatologist can prescribe the following medicines:

Ointment from rosacea

If the skin dries strongly, flakes and crackles, more fatty and nutritious local remedies will do. Before treating pink acne on the face with ointments, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist. Independent selection of therapy can lead to worsening of the course of the disease, the occurrence of complications. Over-the-counter ointments:

When the face is already formed papules and pustules, ointment is prescribed for rosacea with retinoids:

In severe cases, in the presence of inflammation and replacement of normal skin with connective tissues, the dermatologist prescribes antibiotics, hormonal ointments or combined medications to treat rosacea:

Tablets from rosacea

Intensive inflammatory processes require not only local, but also systemic antibiotic therapy. Disease rosacea, accompanied by proliferation of connective tissue, thickening of the skin, changes in facial features, suggests the use of retinoids and steroid hormones. Such potent drugs are prescribed only by a dermatologist. The scheme is selected after finding out the causes and form of rosacea, the treatment can include the following:

Rosacea - treatment with folk remedies

In the light stages of the pathology, redness and vascular networks are assisted by alternative methods. Their effectiveness decreases, only when papules and rosacea are formed, treatment in such cases is better to be performed medically. Effectiveness of natural remedies and speed of relief of symptoms of the disease depends on the severity of the signs and quality of the skin. It is important daily and constantly to fight with rosacea, folk treatment produces a cumulative effect.

Herbal compress

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix dry plants.
  2. Pour them with boiling water.
  3. Insist 1 hour.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Gauze cut to soak with medicine.
  6. Put it on the face.
  7. Hold for 35-40 minutes.
  8. Repeat every day.

Ointment for the treatment of rosacea

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Peel the onion and peel it into petals.
  2. All ingredients, except butter, put on a hot frying pan.
  3. Stew ingredients on low heat until the onion dries.
  4. Add the butter to the prepared hot mixture.
  5. Filter the composition through 1 layer of gauze.
  6. Place the ointment in a glass container.
  7. Apply once a day to clean skin.

Rosacea treatment with laser

Hardware techniques have the most positive effect at the initial stages of the disease. They help to completely eliminate the symptoms of rosacea, laser treatment provides the evaporation of blood in damaged vessels and the gluing of their walls. Disappear all the signs of couperose and redness. It is more difficult to eliminate progressive acne on the face, treatment in such cases requires the removal of thickened layers of skin and connective tissue. For this, a high-energy laser is used, which replaces the scalpel. The results of this therapy are presented in the photo.

Diet with rosacea

The struggle with the pathology in question should be comprehensive, including correction of lifestyle and eating habits. One way to treat pink acne is to follow a diet with the exception of dishes that provoke the expansion of blood vessels. The diet does not provide for serious restrictions, it is simply recommended to refuse the following products:

Cosmetics for rosacea

Skin care should be mild and hypoallergenic. Hygiene products should not contain:

When rosacea skin is not desirable to use any aggressive cosmetic products, especially peelings and scrubs. Most manufacturers have special series for people with pink acne:

Decorative cosmetics should be of high quality, pharmacy or luxury brands, mineral series are preferred. As a basis, you need to use sunscreen or a special base with SPF no lower than 15. When buying new cosmetics, they are pre-tested on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the epidermis to test the skin reaction.