How to treat tonsillitis depending on the causes of the disease?

Tonsils in the pharynx are the organ of the lymphatic and part of the immune system. They are the first barrier that prevents the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the body. Pathogenic cells, which are retained by the tonsils, are subsequently removed by natural pathways with mucus.

What is tonsillitis?

Functionality and protective abilities of lymphoid tissue can be violated for various reasons. In such cases, inflammation of the tonsils starts, which in medicine is called tonsillitis. This infectious pathology first proceeds in an acute form. If it does not begin to be treated in a timely manner, the disease becomes chronic and prone to relapse.

Tonsillitis is angina or not?

Most otolaryngologist patients consider these pathologies as separate diseases. Acute tonsillitis and tonsillitis are just two names, characterizing infectious inflammation of the tonsils. Often it extends to the entire lymphoid tissue, completely affecting the pharyngeal ring. Angina is also called relapse of chronic tonsillitis. He is characterized by a sluggish inflammatory process that lasts a long time (months and even years), which is very difficult to treat.

What is acute tonsillitis?

This form of pathology is an intense inflammation of the lymphoid tissue in the pharynx, mostly palatine tonsils. Acute tonsillitis (angina) is an independent disease, and not a complication of other respiratory infections. It is important to diagnose and begin to treat the affected tonsils in a timely manner. Otherwise, the inflammatory process acquires a lingering course and periodically recurs.

What is chronic tonsillitis?

Without adequate therapy or with worsening of the immune system, the angina passes into a latent form. Tonsils with chronic tonsillitis cease to perform a protective function and are permanent foci of inflammation. Under any adverse conditions, the disease recurs, and acute angina resumes. A prolonged course of the disease leads to dangerous complications, especially if it is not treated.

Tonsillitis - causes

The main pathogens provoking inflammation of the tonsils are considered to be haemolytic streptococci in group A. Other microorganisms cause less angina:

The main causes of tonsillitis are external infection (from an asymptomatic carrier or a sick person) and repeated self-infection (if untreated). Exposure to pathology is increased against the background of the following factors:

Inflammation of the tonsils - symptoms

The clinical picture depends on the form of pathology. Acute tonsillitis is characterized by a sharp onset with specific signs. Inflammation of the tonsil has these manifestations:

Sluggish angina is less pronounced, so patients often prefer not to treat it. Chronic tonsillitis - symptoms:

How to cure tonsillitis?

The therapeutic approach should be complex, it depends on the form of the pathology in question. In acute inflammation, bed rest is shown in the first few days of the illness, a sparing vitamin diet and a warm abundant drink. Medication methods, how to treat tonsillitis, include basic conservative therapy, corresponding to the causative agent of the disease. Additionally, drugs are prescribed for relief of symptoms of angina and support of the immune system.

It is more difficult to find methods how to treat chronic tonsillitis . This pathology is not amenable to therapy, so it is important to develop a comprehensive step-by-step approach that presupposes:

If conservative ways, how to treat tonsillitis with sluggish flow, did not produce the expected effect, and the angina continues to recur, the otolaryngologist can offer radical options for therapy. They consist in surgical removal (complete or partial) of damaged lymphoid tissue. The operation is prescribed only in severe cases, when it is useless to treat conservatively and tonsils cease to perform their protective functions, become a hotbed of development and spread of infection.

Throat tablets with tonsillitis

The described drugs are able to treat only symptoms at the local level. Recoatable tablets in tonsillitis help reduce pain and sore throat, facilitate breathing and swallowing, have a mild antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Effective preparations:

Spray for tonsillitis

Liquid solutions for irrigation of the throat and tonsils are also needed to treat only the symptoms. They provide short-term local antiseptic treatment of lymphoid tissue. Like the absorbable tablets, sprays help to alleviate pain, normalize breathing, relieve burning, dryness and perspiration in the throat. Solutions will not help to completely eliminate tonsillitis - treatment at home with only local medicines will stop the symptoms of angina, but does not affect its causes. Effective Sprays:

Than to gargle a throat at a tonsillitis?

The procedure is recommended as an addition to the professional washing of tonsils. This method, how to treat tonsillitis, is necessary for removing the contents of lacunae and removing toxic products of vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Regular purification of lymphoid tissue helps to normalize local immunity and eliminate foci of infection in the pharynx. Rinse throat with tonsillitis is better performed with the help of such medical solutions:

Antibiotics for tonsillitis

The receipt of systemic antimicrobial agents is mandatory, if bacterial inflammation of the tonsils is diagnosed - the treatment should be selected taking into account the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to different antibiotics. The main difficulty of therapy is the acquisition by pathogenic microorganisms of resistance to certain drugs. Before treating the disease, it is important to pre-test a swab from the pharynx to accurately determine the pathogen of the inflammatory process and its resistance to the antibiotics used.

The most effective medicines with a wide range of activities:

If the microbes disappear sensitivity to the listed antibacterial agents, it is necessary to treat tonsillitis with a more potent drug:

Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers many recipes to combat the loss of lymphoid tissue of the pharynx. The main methods, how to treat inflammation of the tonsils, consist in daily rinsing of the throat with solutions from natural products. One-component products for washing the pharynx:

Some ways, how to treat tonsillitis, suggest slow chewing or resorption of products with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, for example:

Herbal Rinse Collection


Preparation, application

  1. Mix dry plants.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of collection of boiling water.
  3. Insist means half an hour.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Rinse the throat with a liquid 5 times a day.
  6. To treat a sore throat not less than 2 weeks.

Drink from chronic tonsillitis


Preparation, application

  1. Mix the herbs.
  2. Boil vegetable raw materials in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes.
  3. Insist for 1 hour.
  4. Strain agent.
  5. To consume 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  6. Treat inflammation until all symptoms of the disease disappear.

Removal of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis

When conservative treatment options do not help for several years, otolaryngologists suggest treating the pathology with a surgical intervention. It is also recommended if there is often an exacerbation of tonsillitis. The operation helps to prevent dangerous complications of the disease in question, ensures the elimination of foci of infection and prevents its spread to healthy areas of lymphoid tissue.

There are several surgical methods for treating tonsillitis - removal of tonsils is carried out in such ways:

  1. Classical. The lymphoid tissue is cut with a scalpel or pulled out by a loop.
  2. Advanced. The glands are removed by the microdetreader - the rotating head.
  3. Laser. Burning of tonsils and sintering of blood vessels. The fastest and safest option.
  4. Electrocoagulable. Excision and cauterization of lymphoid tissue by current.
  5. Liquid-plasma. Removal of glands by a directed magnetic field.
  6. Cryodestructive. Freezing of the tonsils with liquid nitrogen, leading to the death of the affected lymphoid tissue.
  7. Ultrasonic. Excision of glands with a radio knife.

Consequences of tonsillitis

The presence of foci of chronic infection in the body can lead to dangerous systemic complications, which are difficult and long (and sometimes impossible) to treat. Purulent tonsillitis provokes the development of the following pathologies: